Chapter 4

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****Unedited because if I read it again I’m gonna destroy it because it’s terrible but I have writer’s block so oh well****

As soon as I walked into the classroom, I knew I was going to despise this class. Hipsters everywhere. It was like they had memorized every detail on how to be hipster and followed those instructions to the tee. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to label people, but I mean it was like these people were begging to be labeled.

                They all had the typical beanies, graphic tees, cardigans, big lens glasses stereotypes, but they didn’t stop there. No, they also had the Vans/Converse shoes, Starbucks in right hand and white iPhone in left kinda deal. They were so thirsty for attention it made me sick to my stomach.

                I walked straight to the back and took my seat. None of them seemed to have noticed that a new being had entered the room. I looked at my schedule at the class name. Physical Science first. What fun. Note the sarcasm. I looked up just in time to see your typical bad boy character walk in the door. He was decked out in the full leather jacket, gloves, and had biker boots. Wow, these people were trying way too hard to be noticed.

                He walked straight down the aisle and plopped his stuff in the desk right beside me. I felt my heart rate speed up. Oh God please don’t talk to me.

                “Sup Nirvana?” His voice was low and he had a faint accent that I couldn’t quite place.

                I raised my head and turned to look at him. “Are you talking to me?” Of course he was talking to you, Stupid. Who else?

                He looked around, then back at me. “Well no one else is wearing Nirvana. Great band, by the way.”

                “Yeah, they’re pretty cool. So... why are you talking to me again?” I silently willed the teacher to come in now so this conversation could end..

                “Well there’s no rule against it, so why not?” He raised his eyebrows at me.

                “I guess not. But I must warn you, I tend to be extremely boring most of the time,” I hoped that would get him to leave so I could wallow in peace.

                “Wanna bet? I could prove that you, in fact, are not boring, but indeed quite interesting Nirvana. Now, are you gonna tell me your real name, or am I gonna have to keep calling you by the best grunge band of the late 80s, early 90s era?” His sudden use of extensive vocabulary caught my attention immediately.

                “Well, I dunno, I kinda like being called Nirvana. I’ll tell you what. If I tell you my name, you have to explain to me why you try so hard to be noticed.”

                That caught him off guard. His face contorted into one of confusion. “Noticed? What makes you think I wanna be noticed?”

                I leaned toward him. “Really? You have to ask? You look like you’ve just come from the set of Grease.”

                He laughed. “Oh. Well tell me about you and I’ll tell you about me.”

                So that’s how we spent the first three periods. Through the rest of Physical Science I told him about my life before cancer through whispers behind Mr. McCaskill’s back, then, in Global Studies, I explained what happened when I was diagnosed and the time in between then and now, and finally in Computer Applications, he told me that his name was Nathan, his mom died when he was two, and he lived with his father, David, and his two brothers, Alex and James. As we were packing up for fourth period, which we had differently, we made plans to sit together at lunch.

                I was halfway to Gym when I was stopped by a girl wearing a belt for a skirt and too much makeup. “Why were you talking to Nathan?” She put her hands on her hips and struck a pose that was probably supposed to come off as intimidating, but instead just looked like she was constipated.

                “We were just talking. Why?” I kept my cool, even though I wanted to gag at the amount of perfume she was wearing.

                “Stay away from him! He’s mine and you can’t have him!” She squealed and stomped her high heel clad foot.

                “Can you just chill your tits? We’re just friends. That’s it. You can have him.” I started to walk again. She didn’t stop me, but called after me.

                “If I catch you around him again, I will destroy you!” I rolled my eyes. Drama on the first day? Give me a break.

                “You! Why are you late?!” The gym coach boomed at me. I heard little snickers from wannabe hipsters across the gym.

                “I had to tie my shoe. Sorry. It won’t happen again.”

                “It better not. You’re lucky it’s the first day. Get dressed.” I hurried to the locker room before he could yell again.

Wow. The first day and I was already under this much stress. I bent to take off my shoes, but didn’t get very far before the dizziness kicked in. I put my head in my head to steady myself before attempting to stand up. That was where I made my mistake. As soon as I stood up, the oh so familiar darkness consumed me once more.


Please leave feedback because I’m not sure about this chapter.

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