Chapter 2

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"Jess, wake up! If I come in here one more time I'm bringing ice water!" I heard my mom shout from the doorway. The first thing I noticed was that she was already dressed. The second thing I noticed was the throbbing pain in the back of my head. I reached over to my bedside to grab my pills but they weren't there.

"Mom, where are my headache pills?" As soon as I asked her look changed from anger to worry. She came over to me and felt my head. A surge of pain went through me when she touched me and I winced.

"How bad?" She asked.

"Worse than usual. I think it's because of all the stress." She ran out and quickly returned with my pills.

"Honey, I know you don't wanna go but this could be your life we're talking about here. Most of the articles stated that being social and happy help to shrink the tumor. You'll do fine. Once you get there and make a few friends, you'll forget about beng stressed out."

Let's get one thing straight; it wasn't the school concept I was afraid of. It was the typical high school cliques. Whether you like it or not, everyone belongs to one, and it's up to you to find it. Well, that and the whole idea of being social. If you haven't noticed, I'm not very good at that. My social skills are lower than the jeans on Dan Howell's thighs.

"Mom, please don't make me do this. I can be happy on tumblr."

"Jessica, you're going, and that's final." Well, I guess it was set. I was going to school.

I groaned and rolled over. "Fine. But if I die it's your fault." I got up slowly to allow the pain to subside. For school my mom had bought me a bunch of new girly clothes to make a nice first impression or whatever. I walked right past them and slid on my Nirvana tee and some dark skinny jeans. It made me feel a little better to know that I could still be me with my type of cancer. Some people changed into a completely different person with brain cancer. I guess you could say I was blessed with a curse.

To calm my nerves, I put on some music. Immediately I felt better. I brushed my dark brown hair and threw it into a loose braid over my shoulder. With each tick of the clock, the feeling of dread in my stomach grew larger. I hadn't been to an actual school for three years. My friends have probably moved on and forgotten about me. It wasn't hard to do. I was only known at my old school as the girl with cancer. So obviously I wasn't exactly Miss Popular. I finished loading my bag with supplies and headed downstairs. I had planned on eating breakfast but I could see now that wasn't going to happen. My stomach was doing somersaults.

"Are you ready to go?" My mom asked as she stood up from the table and grabbed her keys.


"Too bad. Come on."

And with that, we headed out. The ride was about twenty minutes but it seemed about five. As we pulled up, I saw the big muscular guys with the letter jackets hitting on the girls with practically nothing on, the guys with glasses and collared shirts and acne, and then there was the outcasts, dressed like... me.

This was going to be interesting.

Only God Knows WhyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz