"Let him be for a moment Alex." I looked at George who had grabbed my arm before I could go after him. "But... he... he just..." I sighed and sat back down. "He just told us something he wouldn't tell me for months." they looked curious but didn't ask. "If he doesn't come back in five minutes, go find him." I nodded as I looked at his picture still on the promethean. I took out my phone and took a picture of it. The class went back to being normal. He didn't come back. "Mrs.Kingsley? Can I go find him?"

"Yes go right on ahead." before she even finished I ran out the room. I went to the bathroom I knew he might be there. So when I ran in no one was there luckily. But I went to the only occupied stall and knocked. "Charles? Are you in there?"

"No." it was him. "Can you unlock the door?" he said no again. "Why?" he didn't say anything so I asked again. "Because I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have said anything. I wasn't going to tell you until december."

"Why then?"

"You'll see now go away." I sighed. "No. now unlock the door." he didn't. "I'm staying here until you come out." then I leaned on the wall. I heard the door unlock and he walked out with his head down. "Alex don't say anything just forget it, ok?" I went over to him but started to walk away. "Charles... we'll talk about it later. you can't avoid it ok?" he nodded and then we went back into class. When we went back, no one looked at us. As the day went on, he didn't talk when he could. At drama he went back to normal. Smiling and spreading joy. At home, I showered and when I went out to find him he was with the fairies. "Charles what are you doing?"

"Saying hello." I knelt down and he held out his hands to me filled with the fairies. "Say hi." I did and then the bells came with little waves. I waved too. "They really do like you Charles." he shrugged and smiled. "I wonder why." the fairies then floated into my out heald hand. "They like you too Alex, not just me." then Paul's voice echoed through the yard. "YOU WANT DINNER?!" it scared the fairies and they all hid in the roses. "Yes we're coming Paul!" I got up and Charles followed me inside after apologizing to the friaries. At dinner we talked about school and what we would be doing for the rest of the year. Then when it was all over, I asked Charles to go on a walk with me. "Sure of course."

"Thank you." so we went out with nothing more than the moon and fairies to light our way. We didn't talk until we were almost to the stream. I stepped in front of him and he put his arms to my chest not to bump into me. "Charles let me see it."

"See what?" I sighed and put my hand up to his face. "Your eyes. I want to see them today." he pushed my hand away. "You won't like it."

"That's a lie. I could never not like anything about you. Your perfect." he blushed and I moved my hand back up to his face. He blushed and closed his eyes as I pushed his hair behind his ear and for the first time, I can see his whole face. The pale green and the blue made his face look even more perfect. "How could anyone hate this face?" he turned even more red and my hand stayed in his soft hair. Then I did something thing I never thought I would. I leaned down, closed my eyes and kissed him. Not like a french kiss even though he's actually french. Haha i'm funny(Not). It was just softly on his lips not much else. When I pulled back, he was glowing and his hair stayed tucked behind his ear. "Umm i'm... i'm going to... to go now." I let him go and back away. Why the hell did I do that? I wasn't going to do something like that until I told him that I liked him. Holly crap! Then I ran into a tree with my face. "Ow." I looked back at Charles who is now sitting on the ground, glowing like the sun.

I walked the rest of the way to my room without really seeing anything. I just let my legs take me back. When I got to my room, I closed my door then slumped against it. He probably hates me now. Doing that without asking or telling him my feelings or seeing if he would return them. I called Vincent. "Hey whats up?"

The One I Lost and The One That Found MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora