The Stranger

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ok first before we start this is a second part to something else i'm writing but haven't finished. i just got inspired and i wrote most all of  it before i did much of the first one i'll publish that too... later it's not very developed yet. i'll work more on it later promace you all. also i'm very mean to my characters i'm sorry about that. now lets get this show on the road. 

My mother was beautiful and was the kindest person ever. She was a model. No one disliked her. She was an angel. She is dead and it is my fault. My father said that isn't my fault and that I was not the reason why, but I know that I am.

When I was five years old, I ran out into the street chasing my soccer ball. A speeding car went down the road. My mother pushed me out of the way and got run over. The man in the car got out and called 911. When the paramedics showed up, my mother was almost dead and it was my fault. As they put my mother in the ambulance, a man put me in there too and closed the door. The paramedics asked me my name and if I could tell them if and who my father was. I told them, " I'm Alexander Fray. My daddy is Dante Fray." I remember that they were astonished that I was the most famous millionaire's son. When we got there, they told me to go to the waiting room until my father got there. I waited in the waiting room for an hour before he got there and she was still in critical condition for five hours and my father paced around the room the whole time. When she was stable enough they got her out of surgery and the doctor came to the waiting room. "I don't think she'll make it through the night," I remember my father was in denial and he wouldn't accept it. We went to her room and I was scared. All those machines that were attached to her scared me. "Father what's wrong with Mommy,"I asked. My father just stood there in shock. She didn't make it to the next day.

Today is the tenth anniversary of her death, June 11. I sat on the curb in front of the hospital where she died. Even though it's been ten years, my father is facing depression and denial still. He almost never comes out of his office. When he does, he doesn't talk and he wanders around our big house. Sometimes I join him. We don't talk. I know he blames me for her death, even though he says he doesn't and I blame myself. As I sat on the curb, I saw a couple walking out of the hospital. The woman was holding a bundle of cloth, which had a baby within it. They both were smiling. I felt sadness towards them but it is mostly self pity. I had been sitting there for a six hours now. She was in surgery that long, so I vowed that I would sit on this curb every year for that long. So I got up and walked home. My house was twelve blocks away. When I walked, I kept my head down.

I don't want people to see me cry. I hate sympathy. That's all I ever get from people, except from my best friend Vincent. I haven't seen him all summer though. He's been to busy hanging out with this boyfriend Gorge. He also lost his mom at an early age but she died of cancer. But he was not the cause of it. I just kept walking and walking and walking until I had passed my house and passed my neighborhood. Until I finally got to the river, did I stop. I just looked out at the cold water and I wanted to jump in and let the current take me to a new place. Where I had a mom and a non depressed father. I stood there for a few minutes, then turned back and started walking again.

When I reached the gate of my house, I looked up. My house is majestic with white columns and big marble steps leading up to the two large white doors. The grass is perfectly trimmed, the roses around the house had a happy aura around them. Then there's me in a black tank top and jeans. I walked passed the house and into the backyard where everything is even more pretty. I kept walking, until I got to the tallest hill in our ten acer yard.Why we have so much space I don't know. Where mom is buried right under her favorite tree. I talked to her for a bit. Even though I knew she was gone, I come and talk to her all the time. She's what keeps me sane. After an hour my father's secretary came out. "Alexander, the doctors from the insane asylum are here. They would like to take your father away and they need your permission."

The One I Lost and The One That Found MeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu