The Past Now Known

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i'm sorry everyone.

The next day, I woke up in his room again and I left before he could wake up this time. When I saw him, we talked like nothing happened but I still felt like I did something wrong. When we got to school, Vincent and George waved and we waved back. "Hey guys what's up?"

"I don't know. What day it is Alex?" of course Vincent doesn't know what day any day is, he asks me normally in first period. "Friday." he looked relieved and then we all went inside. As we walked into class, people still stared at us all. I've been trying to ignore them but you know. Then the bell rang for class. "Ok class today I have something different, we're going to learn about france." someone raised their hand, "why france?"

"Well there is a new development in a small town called Collines vertes." Charles's hometown. "It's sadly about someone who was thought of as a witch as was burned to death." that can't be him. She then went to her computer and then on the big promethion a picture showed up. It was him, him and his father. It was a painting and Charles was in a dress and his hair was pushed back so both of his eyes showed. The one he hides is pale green. The dress was the one I had seen in his memories and he was standing with his hand on his father's shoulder. His smile was sad and he looked as if he didn't want to do the portrait. Instead of the joy in his eyes he had a deep sadness. His father had some white hair and he was smiling with all the joy. "We don't know the name of her but she was burned for everyone thought she was a witch."

"No." we all looked at Charles who had spoken. "It's not a girl... it's a boy." he bowed his head and put his hands in his lap. "Charles what do you mean?" he didn't look up. "I lived there I know the story better than anyone. It was a boy who was shunned for being different. Everyone didn't like him and he was bullied for that eye of his." he pointed and we all looked even though we had already seen it. "Well if you know the story so well can you tell us Charles?"

"When the boy was born his mother died. She had given birth to him alone during winter and her husband was a doctor. When he got home from work, he found her cradling her newborn son. Her husband didn't know what to do, but before she died she told him to take care of there son and she gave him to him. That was her last act on earth. After she died, her husband took very good care of his son but when he saw him open his eyes for the first time, he knew that he would have his work cut out for him. For the eyes of his child were different. He knew that ment hard times for him and his child. When the town first met the child, they were disgusted by his eye. Called him devil spawn and a witch. While his father had hope that they would accept him though they never did. When he was seventeen, his father asked him to try something, to dress like a girl for a month. As you see in the painting." his story he would never tell me, he's now telling the whole class. As he was telling us he was fidgeting with his shirt under the desk.

"They didn't show his eye but the town accepted him as a lady. He did it for his father. They kept up the charade for a little less than a month. One day a few men took him to a bar to hang out with him. They got him drunk without him realizing it. One of the men took him to a inn and there undressed him. When he realized who it was, he laughed and took anything that he could cover himself in then made him go to the back alley. He went home in almost nothing. Then a year later he helped a coffee colored man by giving him money. The man's boss caught them and he began to beat the man. When to boy tried to stop them, they beat him to and then they had an idea. They could rid of the boy, the one who was satan's spawn and a witch. So they knocked him out and when he woke up he was tied to a post in the middle of town with hay at his feet. He knew what they were going to do. He thanked them for letting him live that long. His father was in the crowd and he tried to stop them, but they just threw him in jail along with someone else. They then burned him to death. Every year his father would leave blue roses on his grave. The tradition has been carried out even to this day. On july twenty third we leave blue flowers on his grave. Umm if you'll excuse me I... I need some water." he got up and then left the room. "Charles!"

The One I Lost and The One That Found MeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя