"Whatever makes you happy, I guess."

I smile. And then start to write a text to Carter. Hoping that he could come.


"Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting," Noah mutters as we make our way out of the theatre.

Hannah, Georgia, and I were wiping tears from our cheeks- still imagining the incredibly depressing ending. While the boys had a look of annoyance on their faces, they absolutely hated it.

Hannah gave her boyfriend a stern look, "shut up!" She says with a light slap on his forearm, "that was the best movie I've seen in a long time." Hannah wipes a stray tear from the corner of her eye and frowns.

"Yeah!" Georgia defends, "it was so cute how he sacrificed himself for her. His only goal was to keep her safe."

I see Aiden roll his eyes and I laugh. Out of all of us, Aiden especially didn't understand the premise of the movie. After all I don't think he ever thought of a girl more than a way then to get in her pants.

"Too cliche for me," Carter butts in as turns behind to look at Georgia, then meeting my eyes quickly before looking away.

"Too cliche?!" Georgia argues, "you can't be serious!"

I once again chuckle, amused with Georgia's undying love for the movie. I think she liked it more for Zac Efron's appearance... but hey, who didn't?

"Anyways," Aiden drawls as he throws away the rest of his popcorn, "where to now, gang?"

"Hmm," I say, "dinner at Mel's?"

"We go there every weekend," Noah moans.

"Cause' it's good!" I say with a grin.

"Noah's right, lets do something different," Hannah suggests. Ugh she loved to defend her boyfriend.

"Like what?" I argue, "it's not like there's much to do in this town," I reply with a laugh.

Carter chuckles, "she has a point."

"Hey, you just got here, you have no idea," Aiden refutes.

I sigh.

I look at Georgia who has been surprisingly quite through this whole conversation. She was studying her phone. Her fingers swiped through her Instagram, obviously disinterested with the conversation.

Suddenly she looks up and smirks.

Uh oh, she had an idea.

"What about a party?"


Three hours later, after a quick dinner at Mel's (a compromise to me), and an hour or so to go home and get ready, our whole group was crowded into Noah's car and heading to Nick McAllister's house.

Georgia, Hannah, and I had all helped each other get ready. I know we were predictable.

Georgia was wearing a black jean skirt and a light pink camisole tucked into it with tall black heals to dress her outfit up.

Goodbye CarterWhere stories live. Discover now