Chapter 6: Ferris Wheel

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Chapter 6: Ferris Wheel

If there’s anything I hate more than those lame kiddie carnival rides Sadie made me go through, it’s being stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel with the girl I liked. In this case, I was in the highest car with Savannah Winters with me.

Yes, we were literally stuck.

Apparently, the one in charge of operating the ride pressed the wrong button and we were stuck there until a professional took charge. Which, I figured, would’ve taken hours.

“This sucks.” Savannah muttered.

I looked over at her, and noticed the bags under her eyes that I swear, weren’t there the day before.

“Tell me about it.” I rolled my eyes.

“Alex,” She looked into my eyes, “I miss you.”

I tried hiding the shock I felt with a smirk. “Same here.”

She scooted over from across me, to my side. “Cain and I broke up.” She whispered.

“What?” I exclaimed so loud, the people from the other cars looked at me.

“Keep quiet, will you?” She rolled her eyes. “Last night, he said he loved me, but there was someone else who loved me much more than he ever could. I didn’t want to break up with him, but there was this annoying nag at the back of my head that insisted he’s right.” I blinked. “I know it was rude of me to lead him on, but just when I almost started feeling the same, he let go. I don’t know if it’s my fault for not trying harder, but I really feel like my heart is dying.”

I pulled her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. She started shaking, and I started to panic.

“Hey, hey.” I said to her in the most soothing voice I could manage. “It’s not your fault. You can’t teach your heart to love, okay? It’s not your fault. Maybe you did love him, but maybe he isn’t the one for you.” I cupped her chin and kissed her forehead. “Maybe you should try seeing this from his point of view.”

She wiped her tears. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, it’s obvious you were in love with someone else while you were with him.”

She spanked my arm, making my laugh louder than expected.

“I don’t need you and your cockiness, Alex.” She scowled.

“Hey, you need to laugh.” I pointed out. “All you’ve been doing these past days was cry. You need better character development unless you want to end up like that Twilight girl.”

“I knew you read it!” She said triumphantly.

That’s my girl. I thought.

Savannah got her phone and earphones and looked through it. She played a song that was oh so familiar, and with both of us wearing half of her pair of earphones, it was very awkward but meaningful. Somewhere in Neverland blasted through my left ear, and I couldn’t help but think of why she chose this song.

“You really love this song, don’t you?” I asked.

She didn’t really need to answer. The sudden brightness in her eyes gave the answer away.

“I want you to sing it to me.” She said.

“Nah.” I joked. I took her phone and played another song. Turns out, Savannah knew the song from the intro to the end.

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