Chapter 3: Games

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Mine to the End

Chapter 3: Games

“Mom?” I asked. Obviously I was shocked. She didn’t tell me she was visiting Sadie’s. She didn’t even tell me she knew my girlfriend’s parents.

“Alex?” My mom asked back. “You actually checked your phone?” She was almost laughing. Sadie was also on the verge of laughing, but she didn’t continue, much to my pleasure.

I checked my phone, and there was a text from my mom. It stated we were going to have dinner in someone else’s and she’s also texted the address. I just shrugged the issue away, knowing there’s nothing there’s nothing I can do to escape the situation.

“So what are you doing here, dear?” Mom asked me, taking a seat on the couch.

“Sadie invited me here.” I answered. “You’ve met her, right?”

She nodded, making my girlfriend fidget beside me.

“How come I’ve never met this young man?” Mrs. Walked asked her daughter. She was pointing a wooden spoon at Sadie, making her look comical.

“You never told me to invite him!” Sadie interjected, blushing ever so slightly.

“Why didn’t I?”

“You said we don’t have enough food...”

“Did I?”

Sadie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Mom. You keep telling me whenever I asked if you wanted to meet him.”

“Well doesn’t that make me a bad mother?” Mrs. Walked pouted.

“No you’re not. You’re the best mom ever.”


“No.” Sadie laughed. “You’re going to burn the sauce. Oh wait, you’re probably going to burn the entire kitchen if you don’t give me that spoon now.”

She walked to her mother, taking the spoon, and disappeared into the kitchen. Great. I was stuck with two fully grown women, who were very much like teenagers when it came to their children’s lovelife. The only thing missing was Vanah. Then my own mother will go into a fit of how I should choose the right girl wisely.

The good thing, though, was Vanah wasn’t invited. If she actually was, I’d throw my own fit.

Dinner wasn’t much eventful. Of course it was very awkward with both our moms gushing about how cute Sadie and I looked, but I held her hand the whole time. I could tell she was much more uncomfortable than I was, and somehow that amused me.

“So, Alex,” Mrs. Walked said, propping up her elbows on the table. “How are your grades?”

Of all the things she can ask. I thought.

“They’re average.” I shrugged. “I’m not failing, but I’m not smart enough to be part of the awardees for graduation. “

Mom gaped, placing her spoon down immediately. “Oh my gosh.” She muttered.

“What?” I asked. I was concerned, of course. She was my mother.

“Graduation is just a few weeks away.”


“You’re graduating High School, you little scum.”

I raised my eyebrows while Mom gushed about how old I’ve gotten. Actually, all I thought about was college and where I’d go from there. I didn’t know who I was going to spend it with, and I didn’t know when it was all going to get real.

Mine to the End // completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora