"You are so frustrating," he said and groaned loudly as he lifted his head until it fell back and his eyes looked at the ceiling. "God, please give me strength."

"Oh, come off it," I chuckled. "I'm not that bad."

"Right... of course," he looked back at me. "Alright, let's go old school and play twenty questions."

"Ew, really?" I asked back with a grimace. I couldn't remember the last time I played that game. "Okay, shit, let's do it. You start."

"First, we have to agree to only give honest answers. No bullshit, yes?" he looked at me with his eyebrows pulled all the way up on his forehead. I sighed and nodded as I gave in. "When was the last time you were in a relationship?" he went right in with the first question.

"At uni," I gave a short but satisfactory answer. It wasn't a lie. That was the last time I had something like that in my life. It was hard and shitty when it ended, it was really deep and a long relationship. I felt like I would never be able to get over it and although I kind of did, I knew it still left me scarred. Harry looked at me curiously as he tried to get more out of me but I just stared right back at him. "Hmm... what makes you the angriest?"

"Liars," he said straight away. "I cannot fucking stand people who lie. Why make up a whole other story when the truth could just be told? I don't fuck with that."

"Mhm," I nodded along. He did have a point and I agreed with him. I didn't like liars myself.

"Aright. Talking about emotions – what makes you the happiest?"

"Success," I said. "If you had a time machine, would you go back to your past or visit the future?"

"That's a tricky one, that," he mumbled. Strangely, I wanted him to fully answer the question. And by that, I meant that I wanted him to tell me why he would go back to the past and why would he want to visit the future. "I wouldn't change anything that happened in the past because if I would, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today. But then I don't exactly want to spoil my future, either, because if I got to see it and I didn't like it, I would want to do everything in my power to make sure things won't work out that way."

"Well, you need to pick one," I forced him as I took a sip of my coffee. Harry sighed loudly, his lips blew a raspberry as he looked all over my face. His arms were on the table then he suddenly ran his fingers through his hair. He was a dream to look at, not going to lie. At least I knew that everyone around us thought that.

"I'd just stay in the present," he said. "Since that cannot happen, I can tweak the rules."

"You can't," I argued. "You need to pick one."

"Why?" he asked curiously. "It won't make a difference to your or my every day life."

"Maybe. But we both know you have a preference. No one ever not knows what they want – they are just afraid of actually saying it out loud."

"Well, what would you do?" he questioned.

"Are you using up one of your questions for that?"

"Are you using up one of yours to ask me that?"

"Are you using another one of yours up?" I carried on.



"That's not how people play this game," he sighed.

"That's how I play it."

"For someone so disciplined and serious at all times, you sure know how to cheat your way through stuff, don't you?"

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