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Harry Styles

I was so fucking annoyed after I left Kensington's building that I found myself wanting to get drunk. Her difficulty was something else. I mean, how hard would it have been for her to put a little time aside and come get food with me? Literally not hard at all. Well, for her it was. But then she clearly enjoyed her meal. Which shouldn't have pissed me off – and it didn't really because I was glad, she ate something that day – yet I couldn't help the irritation that flooded my chest.

But since then, it had been two days. I hadn't made any efforts to see her or run into her anywhere. I needed to get my head together when it came to her and also, this upcoming project of mine began to feel a little too much on my shoulders. I had to focus on that for now. Tomorrow was Friday and that only clocked in me when I looked down at my calendar and saw the meeting that was scheduled from two till four. In that moment, I felt very unprepared and also annoyed because, obviously, I had completely forgotten about it and as well, Fridays were my family days.

This was the second week I would ditch my siblings and that made me feel terrible. Sure, I could hang out with them over the weekend but that meant seeing my parents so I could pick them up from home. Then again, the chances of them actually being home was rather slick because they were rarely ever in the damn country.

Frustrated, I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes after the fucking power cut off and all the work I had done gone to shit. Everything went silent in the room and I knew it deep down that any minute and I would have an unhappy employee knocking down my door. In that same moment, my personal phone went off and as I glanced down it, I saw it was my brother. Confusion filled my face as I picked it up and held it to my ear.


"Um, hi," he said a little wary. My eyebrow rose as I waited for him to carry on. "So, how are you?"

"I'm at work, you know this. Why did you call?" I asked him a little sterner than I intended to but that time really wasn't the best to discuss how I was.

"So, I skipped class..."

"Okay. Well done," I stated sarcastically. "Do you want me to give you a high five or something?"

"Funny you say high..." he laughed nervously. And that's when I realised just how nervous he was. From the minute I picked up, his voice wobbled and gave me a weird feeling. Now that he had said that, it made me wonder if I was right or not. "I'm not feeling too good and I just... could you come get me?"

"Mason, have you been smoking weed?"


"I'm trying not to be mad at you right now but the fact that you skipped your class to do that is not something I approve of," and it really wasn't. Him smoking was a lot to take in and then to know he missed school to do it was even more. "Where are you right now?"

"I just left the park and was gonna walk home but then it started to rain and now I'm at the bus stop."

"Well, get the bus home then. I can't exactly leave work because I have stuff going on," I told him harshly. If our dad would find out about this, Mason would never see the light again. "Actually, just send me where you are, I'll get my driver to pick you up and drop you off at home."

"Ok... thank you, H."

"Yeah, you better be," I mumbled. "We'll talk more about this when I'm off."

I didn't let him say goodbye as the call ended as soon as those words left my lips. I texted my driver after my brother sent me the address and then I could get back to sorting out whatever happened with the electricity.

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