cheated( 2plui x reader x 2pmini)

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I'm trying to stop lui from trying to hurt nogla, cuz nogla called lui a kid again. Lui was furious.. Do I'm just holding him back" (Y/N)! LET ME GO SO I CAN BEAT NOGLAS ASS!" " no! I don't wasn't anyone seeing mini again! Mini needs a break for the day! Cuz everyone gets hurt every god damn day!" I  Yelled with anger." Yea cuz you love him that's why your being a bitch about it" moo said as he walked in the room. My eye twitched. I let lui go and lui looked at me he saw my eyes go from my ( e/c) to dark blood red." I'm gonna show you who is the bitch" I said as I tried to attack moo but lui and nogla were holding me back." Come on guys I wanna see moo get beat by a girl again~" ohm said as he walked in." Shut the fuck up." I was almost free but mini walked in the room and kissed my cheek. My eyes went back to my pretty (e/c). And I was blushing a blushing mess." Moo shut up next time. And (y/n) calm down before you go on a rampage" mini said as lui and nogla let go of me. Mini walked out of the room I smiled a bit. Lui looked a little jealous but I ignored that and I walked to my room.

* time skip like I said I'm lazy*

I was in my room on my phone just checking out my games and stuff. Mini walked in my room and closed the door behind him." Um what happen to knocking?" I asked as I sat up cuz I was laying down on my bed. I was wearing a tank top and short shorts." This is stupid but can you come her for a second.... Like closer to me?" Mini asked as he blushed a little. I got off my bed and walked towards him and got close to where I was in front of him." What is it?" I asked. He kissed me. This was wrong but this felt right in a way. So I kissed him back he licked my lower lib asking for entrance. I opened my mouth a little he slipped his tongue in my mouth his tongue was exploring my mouth. We soon broke the kiss there was a string of saliva from our mouths." I l-love you ( y/n).." Mini said while he wiped his mouth from the saliva." I.....I loved you to mini." Lui walked in my room and walked right back out jealous." I think you should talk to him" mini said as he kissed my cheek." Ok..." I said as I walked around theme base looking for lui the I finally asked vanoss where lui was. Vanoss said lui was in his room. I walked to lui room and knocked on his door." What do you want moo?" Lui said though the door." Lui its me... (Y/n)..."I said. Lui opened the door there was tears in his eyes. Was he...." Were you crying?" I asked. Lui looked away. I frowned. I then got a idea." Lui can you meet me in my room in a few minutes?" I asked. Lui looked at me confused but nodded his yes. I smiled a bit and walked back to my room and mini was still there." Hey mini meet me back at my room in a few minutes" I said with a little smile. Mini nods his head and left my room I layed on my bed while I wait.

* few minutes later*

I was laying on my bed. And I heard a knock on my door. I got up from my bed and answered my door. I saw mini and lui next to each other they came in my room.  I closed my door and looked at them." Lets make a deal. Lui gets me for a week and you mini gets me for a week." I said as they blushed." W-when does this thing start? And who is first?" Lui asked." Well since it is Sunday mini already kissed me so mini week starts this week and lui yours starts next week alright?" " ok well I guess its my week already" mini said as him and lui left my room. It was now midnight. I was tired so I layed in my bed. And slowly went to sleep.

* time skip <3 *

I woke up to something cuddling with me... It was lui and mini... Well I love these two dorks so I just went back to sleep blushing


THANK YOU SOOO lilly638 MUCH FOR THE REQUEST. And I hoped you liked it if not then you should of gave me a plot to go off of. And anyways have a good day my beautiful foxes.

2p vanoss crew x reader ( one shots)( REQUEST OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now