Ingenious 2

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Hello again! Here is chapter two, waiting for all of you to read and love! (That is if you do love it...)

Ingenious 2

-Brainiac's POV-

"You foolish- insolent- arrgh!" Lex Luthor paced ahead of Supergirl and I like a caged tiger as we stood at attention.

Like a scared caged tiger.

"If you hadn't resisted-! You-!" He kept cutting himself off mid-sentence.

He would have continued with his empty threats and never completed curses, if one of his henchmen hadn't radioed him with some bad news.

"Sir, the Justice League is here, we can't-!" He was cut off by his own yell of fear.

Lex Luthor muttered something under his breath, then made one of the worst decisions of his life.

"You two, go… guard the brats or something." With a wave of his hand, we left for the holding room.

-Kid Flash's POV-

I woke with a headache, and my hands and feet tied up.

Not a good sign.

"Subject: Kid Flash is awake."

What the…?

The voice was feminine, but monotone, and an answering voice followed shortly after. "Affirmative."

Looking up, I found the source of my headache: my cracked goggles were bouncing light into my eyes painfully. Gazing around anyway, I discovered we were still in the warehouse from before, only in a different room. I could hear boots clicking as the girl wearing them walked around, keeping an eye on me and my teammates, but I didn't know if it was Supergirl or Brainiac.

"Ugh, what happened?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

"We got our butts kicked, that's what."

"Subject: Robin is awake."


"I think I knew that." I muttered sarcastically. Even if Rob was my best friend, he really needed to take anger management classes. Maybe he and Superboy could attend them together.

"Oh my god, Rob! What happened to you?"

"Subject: Artemis is awake."


"It's nothing." Robin snapped at her.

"It doesn't look like nothing!" She snapped right back.

"Wait, what's wrong with Rob?" Since they were tied behind me, I couldn't see what was going on.

"Like half his face is bloody!" Artemis exclaimed. "Doesn't it hurt?"

The clicking of boots rotated behind me and the voice called out: "Brainiac, subject: Robin needs medical attention."

"Affirmative, project the equation onto the wall." That must be Brainiac, but what equation was she talking about?

Seconds and some clicking later, a hazy glow shined from the wall behind me and so did Robin's voice. "Don't touch me! How do I know that stuff's not tampered with!"

"It's from your utility belt." Brainiac sounded almost sarcastic.


I heard the peeling of a bandage, and then Robin grumbled a "Thank you."

There was silence as Brainiac studied the problem on the wall.

"Megan! Are you alright?"

"I… I think so."

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