" arasso! arasso! even if you try to restore this you won't be able to so don't you blame me" chen said as he fixed his stance, ready to strike the plant.and within a second the plant turned to ashes.

"well..wasn't that hard to do? you always talk to much you know" lay said as he approached the plant,thinking what should he do next. lay doesn't really have the ability yet to revive living forms like plants and animals and humans from complete death.

"whatever unicorn hyung, I'm going back to my chamber.don't disturb me! arasso?!" lay frantically waved his hands as a sign of dismissing him.chen went out of lay's chamber huffing.

" he didn't even thank me.tch" chen said as the doors closed.

lay gathered a few cubes that he finished a while ago and sat infront of the ashes left by the plant. he figured that if he used them all at once it would eventually work.he snapped his fingers activating the cubes but the ash remained as it is.it was excruciatingly frustrating the heck out of lay.

he had his head hung low and concentrated on building his power to its maximum level.lay's eyes turned a darker shade of ruby red. he aimed at the remain of the plant and heaved out his power using his hand.swirling crystals enveloped the ashes and slowly dispersed.

"aish!!" lay kicked his working table out of frustration because the ash was still as it is. he palmed his face with defeat and kept it at that position.

uknown to him. the plant was slowly growing again.. and it grew much more that it's original form.xiumin entered lay's room humming some sort of melody and tapped lay on his shoulder.

" hey what's up? " xiumin said and lay just groaned due to his frustration and turned around to face xiumin that left xiumin arching his eyebrow at him seemingly asking him what's with his reaction.

" i asked jongdae to strike one of my favorite plants for experiment purposes but I failed countless times and its crimping the life out of me" lay said in one breath,getting his self up and sat down to slump down to his desk.

xiumin then turned his gaze to find any dead plant on the area but he didn't see any.instead he found a plant that's full of life which looked like it was as fresh as it ever was.

" what are you talking about? i see no dead plant here?" xiumin said bewildered. lay then got up and approached the plant that was a while ago remnant of ashes.

" b-but.. this was all ashes a while ago.. did you do something to it? " lay asked xiumin preposterously.

" i just came in here a few minutes ago and how am i even supposed to do something with that? you're the only one who has healing power here" xiumin said matter of factly.

xiumin's heart let out a loud thud that made him widen his eyes at the sudden feeling.

" don't tell me... jirim" xiumin.

" she's awake" lay's eyes widen in the sudden realization.


Jirim's POV

" h-hi.." my voice is hoarse, in deep need for something to quench it. I can't feel my body that's why I just managed to prop myself up to sit up slightly.

" don't move too much." tao looked at me with such worried eyes.the bags under his eyes seem like it darkened a deeper shade.I fervently scanned the room whilst looking at my husbands faces. Their faces showed a mixture of worry and relief, and i found myself smiling. I'm glad I've finally witnessed their faces again.

" how are you feeling? " chen asked, his eyes searching mine. i shifted my seat as i felt my cheeks heat up slighty. why is that i suddenly find it hard to held an eye contact with him?

" what are you talking about jongdae~ah? she's numb.she won't be able to feel anything not after tomorrow.." kris said, crossing his arms out in front of him and looked somewhere else.

" so what am i supposed to do all day? are you telling me that i should just lie here? you can't be serious with that." how does he expect me to do that.i've been out for two days and I already feel so helpless.

" I am exactly serious about this." kris said as he approached my bed with a stern look plastered across his face. I've discovered that this was one of the things that kept me from being completely at ease around him.he is too controlling.

" whatever you say kris" he sighed heavily as he leaned towards me while holding my chin to face him directly.damn those eyes are intimidating.

" I'm doing this for your sake jirim, trust me you're going to need a lot of rest " his words tipped off the bitterness i felt earlier but at the same time left me with so much curiosity.

luhan looked the most stressed out of all of them but still he looked dashing to me.but why was he not speaking at all? did he not miss me? those thoughts lingered through my mind as i went on conversing with them.aigoo~ they really can't stop talking.

" let's leave jirim to rest for now.I'm pretty sure we've been hogging over someone's private time right now" lay said rather bitterly.Is he still going with that jealousy thing with luhan? I looked at him with remorse,somehow resenting myself for not reciprocating his feelings back.

as lay said that they finally bid goodbye and lined up to give me a quick kiss on my forehead or on my cheeks while i blush furiously.I really have to get used to gestures like this with my husbands.

as soon as they finally left the room a deafening silence enveloped the whole expanse. my heart is thumping wildly while i seem to have had a bionic sense as the time passes.every single breath and slight movement seemed to alert me at an alarming rate.ugh.I'm too nervous.say something luhan!

after the unbearable five minutes of my entire existence.my breath hitched as he promptly engaged me in his arms tightly.I dindn't even notice that I was holding my breath the entire time until he loosened his hold on me slightly.

" I missed you" as those words rolled out of his mouth my heart seemed to feel like it was going to pop out of my chest.

" I never left anyway" I held his face infront of me and placed a quick kiss on his lips and let out a soft chuckle. I missed him so much.


Author's Note:

long chapter because i love you readers XD haha sorry the definition of long chapter for me is only three pages </3 haha. 

thanks for being patient with me <3

+ happysquid+

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