chapter 24~ Hail the Queen prt. 1

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Chapter 24~ Hail the Queen prt. 1

I wearily opened my eyes to only close it again.I'm too sleepy to even open my eyes right now. The soft and cold comfort of the bed just keeps me attached to it.

" wake up~ it's your crowning day today" I heard luhan's sweet voice whispering to my ear as I rolled to the other side of the bed. wait what? luhan?!

I automatically got up and clutched the sheet close to me " when did you get here?!" I swear I slept alone last night.

" oh I snucked in after Lay tucked you in" a soft smile made its way to his morning face but then soon faded. Oh.

" how could you talk to him but not talk to me? I can comfort you too.." the sound of his voice clearly showed  that he was hurt. and without further thinking my body just instantly came to his aid. 

" aniya~ it's not like that. it just happened that he was there. I just couldn't find the heart in me to bother you with my problems anymore Luhan." i buried my face unto the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. why didn't I just hugged him endlessly last night? just his presence gives me comfort and safety all at once.

" mianhe~ if I let you feel like that" I gently laid a kiss on his cheek and smiled apologetically. he was staring back at me, seemingly in trance.

" this is really unfair don't you think? I can't even stay mad at you Jirim~ah" he held my body close to his. everytime he holds me i just feel so safe, so relieved. I wish I could always hold him like this.

It's my crowning day.. I'm about to be crowned the new queen of Extheria. would I be able to lead the kingdom just like the way my father did? Can I handle this alone? 

" erase those doubts my queen, you'll be okay. There is no one here who is more suited to lead the kingdom other than you. have faith jagiya. you have me. you have us." I could feel his chin move on top of my head as he said each word. With a swift movement he held my face in between his two hands and leaned in close to me, his breath fanning over my face.

" you're gonna be fine. what else is there to worry about when you have me?" he smiled mischievously at me while I glared in return. tch. he is still so conceited. I slightly hit his chest and replied with a smile. but seriously though.he has got to stop reading my thoughts.


After a series of me struggling to get out of bed and luhan trying to make me just stay there I've decided to roam around for a while.

I don't even know how i got here. The palace looked astonishing, It definitely looked like it came out straight from a fairy tale book or something. Though this clearly doesn't look like it was runned by vampires.. or maybe I have been too caught up reading those certain fantasy books of vampires that clearly sounded obscure.

There were a lot of people passing by as I walked through the halls of the palace. everyone was busy doing their own thing and I felt somehow sorry for making them prepare this all just for me. I guess they really do go all out on occasions.

" what are you doing here? you're supposed to be getting ready."  i heard a deep voice say and I automatically looked up to see who it was. 

" Kris... I-I was just roaming around for a while.." his furrowed eyebrows was the first thing i noticed upon looking up to see his face. is he always this serious?

" is that so? well the crowning will start a few hours from now so.. i suggest that you head straight to your room.Angelica's there already. She's going to be there to accompany you while you get prepped up." Angelica? they brought her here? why does she have to be here. I don't know why it bothers me when Kris brings her up.

 " arasso. I'll go now." I turned around and started to retrace my steps back to my room when he tugged on my hand and pulled me close to his, making me land on his chest.

" gooluck jirim~ah. see you later " he smiled and slightly pecked me on the cheek. it was very rare to see him smile. but it made me feel happy..seeing him smile like that. I believe that Kris isn't really that serious and strict with people.. I know he also has a soft heart but he doesn't really show them a lot. maybe someday he'll be able to show me that side of him.

Author's note:

a crappy update T_T i'm losing my skills in writing ugh :( 

but have you seen the call me baby mv though?! IT WAS EFFIN GOOD. DID YOU SEE MY BABY YEOLLIE'S HAIR?! *dies ITS FREAKING SEXY. THEY ALL WERE. anywayy.. read read.. i'm planning to end this story pretty soon so i can start a new one again :) love you guyss. sorry if i don't update much.

and yeah guys.. its nothing much but those who I dedicate the chapters to also gains an instant follow from me XD haha. 


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