chapter 9~ Cold hearted angel

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chapter 9~ Cold hearted angel

"what happened?" trying to compose myself and keep in mind what the stranger in my dream said,i clutched my head and touched my doesn't hurt anymore and it feels c-cold.too cold.

"l-lay its so cold.." i wrapped the blanket tightly to my body but still it didn't help.

" I'm sorry jea.. i guess i cant control my power that good yet" xiumin looked at me worriedly and i smiled back at him.

" its okay.. what happened to me back there? " sure i remembered that someone talked to me during my sleep but about me ending up here inside my room,i absolutely have no idea.

" you fainted while we were talking, lay and xiumin carried you inside your room" kris entered the room with angelica behind him.she's carrying a basin with her i think??why is she with him again?

" you were fuming jirim,you're temperature was beyond normal and i had to cool your heart down so that you wont die" xiumin delivered those words while avoiding my gaze.

die?! did i hear it right? there i was thinking that i was just in a deep slumber and now i woke up and was told that i was on the merge of dying at that sudden moment?

" xiumin almost froze the blood flowing through your heart but i ceased it,so i guess you're okay now" lay smiled at me and held my right was somehow warmer and it felt good with him touching my hand.

" thank you for curing would've been a regret if i just died that sudden.i didnt even get to spend much time with you guys~" even though it has only been days since i stayed here,i really felt at home,at peace when I'm with them.they make me feel safe and somehow i feel complete having them by my side.

" don't talk like that,you're fine now so don't say nonsense things like that okay?" chen sat at the edge of the bed,his eyes full of concern. i didn't notice that all of them were here.well i guess not all of them.he's not here again.why am i even disappointed that he's not here to check if I'm still breathing?reality check here..I'm probably nothing to him.

after that sweet moment they decided to make me rest for the night and left the room instantly..of course it was done with their graceful vampire skills.everything they do seems so perfect,so beautiful.right now I'm still wrapped with my blanket and just absorbing all the things that happened this day.

first i found kris sucking the life out of angelica,2nd they are all vampires.3rd i almost died.4th they are vampires with yeah I'm living in this house together with my six powerful and handsome vampire husbands how stranger my life could be?

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