chapter 18~ Bitten

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chapter 18~ Bitten

 Jirim's POV

the room was dim as the only thing serving as light was the lamp beside his table.i slightly groaned as i ruffled my hair.i lost track of time and overslept waiting for him.i slowly got up and saw him standing there by the window he seemed drowned in thoughts because he didn't even notice the creak sound the bed made when i got up completely.

" what are you doing here?" i stealthily slid my hands around his waist,my body leaning against his face buried on it and i found my self intoxicated by his smell.oh how i missed it so much.the familiar smell that always seems to give comfort to me.his scent was different from chanyeol's.that sudden thought made me stop from in taking his scent.

chanyeol crossing my mind while being with luhan made me somehow guilty.i dont even know why he suddenly crawled into my thoughts.I'm practically blaming the fresh encounter with him back at the palace.

my eyes caught his gaze staring blankly at the moon which out of all nights shined brightly than it ever did for as long as i have seen it.

" i missed you jirim~ah" he said as he spun me around so we switched he's the one behind me.

i felt him put a little pressure than needed to the embrace.seemed like he was longing for me,like he never wanted to let me go.

"wae? is there something wrong?" i voiced out enough for him to hear.the silence has never been this useful.

" ani..." he trailed out,this time he clutched unto my hand.and right then and there i sensed that something was indeed bothering him.i gave a tug on his hands to release his grip on it and turned around so i was facing him.

" something's bothering you " it was more of a statement than a question that's why i know he wouldn't be responding to it anytime hands crept its way to his hand and i held it close to both of our face. his eyes immediately darted to our hands tangled together then to my face.i could clearly hear him sigh and untangled it.

i almost felt hurt but then a wave of warmth lurked into me when he rested his head on my shoulder.he nuzzled on it.. i could feel him inhaling my was kind of weird but in the good way.

"naneun ijeya ara... i promised myself that i'll be the first one to do it,because maybe by then it would hurt you less even though the truth is it wouldn't change anything." 

i could immediately sense what he was trying to say.although im not quite sure if it really is what i am thinking right now. my body tensed as memories from my dreams flashed in my mind... i was with someone and somehow the same thing that is happening now happened in that dream.i clearly knew where this is leading.i'm about to be just like angelica.

" you know i love you too much to just hurt you like this but i have to...i have to do it...mianhe jirim~ah" 

he lifted his face slightly and held unto my neck. angling it towards his mouth. as of the result of my reflex i closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.i didn't notice that i was holding my breath.luhan's lips were dangerously close to my nape,his heavy breathing sending an incredible chill to my whole system.

my mind was empty at the moment.just merely focusing on what he's about to do.i held my breath again.

" just do it ~" despite of the fear of the pain that was bound to come after i leaned my neck towards him more.luhan laid an endearing kiss on my neck and finally bit me.

the pain was excruciatingly painful.i screamed my lungs out until it almost gave was like being burned alive and being suffocated to your last breath.i never imagined it to be like this..not after i saw kris did it to angelica.

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