Chapter five

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Chapter five.

Frank's perspective.

It has been two days since my sister went missing. I dreamt with her, again. Everyone's going insane. I've been feeling really empty, I can't believe it. I miss her like hell. I visited the store twice, but it was closed both times. Anyhow, I will go and check again today.

It's 4:27 PM. I put on my watch, take my wallet and go outside. I start walking, looking at the leaves of the trees. There are people beside me, with their dogs, enjoying their lifes. It's impressive the fact that the day is completely different to everyone.

I've always felt the responsability to take care of Amélie, even though I don't show it that much. The world is a crap, and she submerged her whole self without letting me warn her.

I feel like a horrible human being.

As I arrive to the store, I walk firmly and each time quicker. I will get some answers today, whether the store is open or not. I can't let any more time pass. I still have on my mind that dream I had, would it be true? Or was it just my imagination giving me a bad move?

As I get closer, my heart rate accelerates with every single step. I notice a really old lady, coming near the store, with a bunch of keys on her left hand. The store is still closed. She could know something about the owner but I can see she's talking on the phone, so I better not get too close, I do not want to disturb nor listen to some other people's conversation.

She hasn't seen me, she looks pretty busy. What she mentions captures my attention.

— No, Matthew. Just listen to me. It's done, there's nothing else I can do. We just have to wait and see if our plan works out, ok?

She seems mad. What would she be talking about?

— Trust me. He will know it's a sign, and he'll take the opportunity to come back. He was just a kid when he passed away, but he's smart. He'll know what to do. And to tell you the truth, she seemed really innocent she'll probably fall right into the trap.

She stays in silence for a moment, listening to the other person.

  — I don't care if you do not believe me! I know he's still there, trapped in somewhere far away, waiting for me. And I will do everything able in my scope to bring him back or talk to him for one last time. I will not give up, not yet.

She notices me, because she rushes on opening and ends her call. She stares at me, analyzing my face as if she had seen me before. She asks me if she can help me in something.

Don't tell her I'm your sister. Pretend.

I startle, for a moment. For a strange reason I listen to it and tell her I was just looking to buy something. She lets me in and I get fossilized. The whole place was full of different types of clocks. None of them were working. They are all in 5:24 PM. Strange.

There are some coordinates on a ripped off page. Some detailed drawings of a little boy with grey eyes, really pale, on the wall. It must be her son, they look so alike. I also notice a little door, really far away. I wouldn't have seen it if it weren't because it's slightly opened.

There are also some weird signs that have written "astral plane" and phrases like that, there are some dispersed on the floor. This store is way too creep, I really can't imagine my sister entering here.

I'm not sure why, I get the flashback of my sister some years ago, telling me she wanted to do one but she never had the guts and if she disappeared, that I should try and visit her to the "other side". Could it possible she...?

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