Chapter four

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Chapter four.

Amélie's perspective.

As soon as I left my body, I saw myself laying down. I stopped feeling badly, my internal self was so in peace. I saw the old lady waving at me and I tried to wave back, although she didn't seem to see me. That's when I realized everything. What did I just do?

I feel a tunnel absorb me, and all I can see is a bunch of different colors, like a rainbow. My hair moves, because of the wind. I try to grab it, but I can't, my hands traspasses me. Suddenly, the tunnel stops and my body is thrown by an unknown strength into something grassy.

Where am I?

I look at everything. I see my naked feet, my arms, my clothes. I'm using something different to what I was wearing. I have a yellow loose dress. I look at both of my hands, but I don't have any fingerprints. It seems perfect, but at the same time blurry.

I've always seeked perfection, so this is actually very magistic for me.

I seem to be alone so I decide to start walking. Everything's beautiful. I don't know for sure what time it is, but a lilac sky is above me. All there is, is grass. It's funny, because I step on it, but I can't actually feel it.

I'm not sure why those strange feelings come back at me again, as if something happened to my body but I can't know what. Not yet, my mind whispers inside me. I turn around, but it's empty. I keep walking, a bit nervous, although nothing seems to appear. What is this place?

I notice something moving, really far away from me. I'm not sure how or why but I start running with all my guts. But something's changing, it's going further and further everytime I want to go near.

I close my eyes. The tree is going to be closer. I open my eyes, and there it is, some few meters far away from me. How did I do that? I feel confused. This is all very new to me, it's a complete different world. I hesitate on giving my first step, but I end up doing it. It stays on the same position.

It appears to be a little note, burried in the land. By an unknown source I manage to take it out and read it.

It says, "nothing iS Color pink. pleAse double check ur oPinion about here. you only got to trust in your own sElf. remember you gotta turn back".

I fold it and save it in my pocket. As I keep walking, I get the sensation I'm not alone, although at the moment there's no one but me.

There's a lot of wind. The leaves of the tree beside me are moving, as well as the clouds. The day seems beautiful, but it would be better if there was someone else.

As if the universe heard me, I notice a little laugh, and it appears to be from a boy. It sounds far.

Is it all in my head? What is going on?

I'm not sure if I'm safe around here. It all just looks like a horror movie, but somehow I still feel in peace.

I just look at everything, the time is relative. It all feels really slow and super quick at the same time.

  — Who are you? –that same voice sounds, again.

Apparently, there's someone else.

I look up, and I see a little white boy, almost transparent. He has deep grey eyes, and under them are enormous eye bags. His lips are also pale, but he has a little smile on it. He is maximum nine years old. He's wearing a blue t-shirt with the word "Hope" and some random pants. It seems dirty.

He's literally floating over the air, flying.

He's staring at me, curious.

  — Hello, my name is Amélie. –I wave at him, trying to look chill.

  — How did you arrive here?

  — By dreaming, with help of an old lady.

He is thinking, analyzing what I just said, but I don't know why. He opens his mouth as if he wanted to say something else but he keeps quiet. I add:

  — How did you make it to fly?

  — It's just at ease as breathing. Just close your eyes, think of your soul being free flying, and you'll be able to do it.

I decide to pay attention to him. I close my eyes and I tell myself, you are capable. You are wise. You are flying. The air is your surrounding.

For a moment I thought it would not work, but as I open my eyes, my soul felt warmly wrapped by the summer breeze. It was freshy and cool. 

I could not believe that was actually happening. It is apparently true, everything is possible around here.

Even though I feel peaceful and happy, I still feel something's missing, but I am not sure of what. I decide to omit that awkward rushing feeling and enjoy the moment, because I may not be able to do it again.

  — I do this everyday. It softs my mood everytime I feel lonely. I'm Joseph, by the way.

  — Are you on your own around here?

  — Pretty much. There are birds and some other animals, too... There was a boy about your age here a while ago, but he disappeared. Who knows were he went or what happened to him.

I hesitate on asking him, but curiosity wins over my moral.

  — How long have you been in this place?

He doubts, calculating.

  — It could be about ten years. But time is very relative around here, you can manage everything. –he smiles– You may be wondering how I keep track of time...

I just stare at him, and nod.

  — Well, I don't. But each year, my skin looks everytime more transparent, and in Christmas days my soul lightens up a bit. You should stay a while and see it. It is magestic.

I have heard before that: this place is magestic. Beautiful. But, from whom did I heard it? I don't know why I can't remember.

  — Wow.

I'm speechless. Ten freaking years... How did he do that? Why didn't he come back? He appears to notice my uncertainty, because he adds:

  — I had meningococcal miningitis when I was eight years old. It's a serious bacterial infection, and it got me out of nowhere. My first symptom was a mild headache. Some hours later, I started vomiting and feeling nausea. When my mother took me to the hospital, they told me I suffered from that and there was a possibility I could die from 24 to 48 hours. And it happened. I spent my last moments talking with my mother and father. Sometimes I even remember her saying that was not the end for us. I really miss her.

I am just listening to him. What could I say? I decide to keep quiet. I look at him. His face seems familiar, but I don't remember to whom. He posseses delicated features. His nose is small, though his eyes big. They are really deep and intense. When he looks at me,  his look goes right through me

Out of nowhere, my body is somehow robustly thrown to the floor. I feel pain inside. You may believe I can't really feel it because I'm just a soul flying over, but I can. And it hurts a lot. I feel like if something was twisting inside my stomach and my head, and I can't stop it.

I could barely see the boy come near me, attentive to my moves, before I close my eyes.

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