Chapter two

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Chapter two.

Same routine. I'm on my way to the mall, when I get a message from my brother. "Yo, at what time will u be at home??" he says. "Idk frank, depends on dad" is my response.

I do like my relationship with him. Even though we do not spend much time together because he studies at the afternoon, we sometimes keep awake all night long, talking, knowing each other souls.

I know if something happened to me, I could count on him. I love him, and even though we fight sometimes (as every normal brother-sister relationship does), I know he loves me too.

I sit on the same place as usual, listening to music. I do the exact actions I normally do. I'm bored. I distract myself, chatting with friends, and playing games on my phone. But things, deep down, aren't the same. As my dad told me he was going to take a while before he leaves work, I decide to walk around. I don't have a destiny, I just let my feet take me anywhere. There's tons of stores, tons of lifes. One place captures my atention.

This mall has been on my city since ages, but I've never noticed this place. It doesn't seem new. It's kinda hidden, because it was after a long hallway. I'm just staring at it outside. Whoever saw me must think I'm crazy, but I don't really care. I'm not going to lie, I feel enormous desire of entering, but I'm a coward.

You may be thinking, what creepy place should she be looking at? It's painted with vintage blue, the windows is full of papers that say "philosophy", "are you scared", "religion", "read your future", "want an astral travel", "enter  you won't regret it".

What the heck, I'll do it. But first, I decide to text my family I'm not going to arrive to my house until later. I send a picture of the store and type, "I'm already on the mall, I'm going to a store. Catch up later. xx". My mother answers me with a K.

As my feet walk, my mind wishes to never thought of even entering in the first place, but I'm too bashful to go back. My soul feels dragged to that place, as if it was my destiny to enter. I feel really nervous, and I don't even know why.

You're being ridiculous. What could happen to you? It's just a store. Way too dramatic, I tell myself. The walls are filled with different types of clocks. They're all running. There's also old furniture. Sculptures, paintings. There's some white chairs at the back. As I approach, I feel another presence.

I'm about to turn around when I see a tiny little white cat, purring. It has big blue eyes, it's so beautiful. I'm about to pat it when a voice interrupts me.

  — Well, hello there. You first need to knock. –as I hear the voice, I look up to see the owner. I see a really pale old lady, with big grey eyes that fit the color of her hair, watching me in a very disturbed way. Her look is vague and lost, as if she was sad. She is smiling, though it seems feigned. She has her eyes wide open, behind her black glasses.

  — Oh, I'm really sorry. I was just leaving...

  — No –she said, as if she didn't want me to–, please stay. It was rude from me, I apologize.

Her voice is really strange. She speaks softly, as if she tries to convince she is a delicate woman, but there's something that makes me distrust her. She doesn't look as peaceful as she wants to.

  — It's ok, I'm already being late for something.

  — We both know that's a lie.

I'm in shock, I honestly don't know what to answer, so I keep quiet. I am still analyzing the store, the majestic art it possesses as well as the abstract objects there are.

  — It's impressively beautiful, right?

I nodded. I am speechless, to be realistic. One sign captures my attention. "Want an astral travel? You can have it".

I'm intrigued. Is it real? How do you feel in the process? I have  always been tempted to do it, but I've never been able to, I don't have the guts. I'm curious though, what would you feel and how do you know it's time to return back to life. I've tried to do it, but I'm always deciding it's not a good choice, and afraid I'd regret afterwards.

  — Have you had the experience of an astral dream, or an astral travel?

  — No.

  — It's amazing. Come, sit –we both sit on a white table, and she puts two cups of coffee in front  of me. I choose the left one, and she slightly smiles, as if that's what she wanted–. I've only done it like, twice, you know? But I'll never be able to forget the experience. I thought, while I was...there, that happened days, maybe months. But it was only a few hours, exactly like a normal dream. Of course, this variates depending on the person, and how she manages to turn back. It was unforgettable, I'm not going to lie. The things I saw, the things I lived what I felt, it was...splendid, superb. I was magnified by the grateness of the world, and I also felt so brave to try it again. I had a little trouble coming back the first time, because I was scared and I wasn't sure if it was still a dream. That was some time ago, of course. Because of my age, it's harder for me.

She looks at her watch, and lightly laughing, adds:

  — Sorry, I talked too much.

  — No problem. I'm actually really interested in this subject. Since, basically always, I've done some research about this, but I've never been able to do it. I'm always scared.

  — That's pretty normal, trust me. Want to try?

I'm not sure how or why I'm in this position. I really can't remember, but I seem to be accepting it. I have million doubts running at 5000 miles per hour in my head. I'm on the same store, in a hidden room. It's really cold in here. I'm lying down in a reclining white chair, with my eyes completely closed. There's candles all over the place, and a slow indie song as background. She spread Jasmine essential oil but the smell is too strong, so my nose itches. She said it was only to make me relax and make the process easier, for the reason that in fact, is important to feel in peace, as if I had nothing to worry about. 

I'm feeling dizzy, my stomach hurts. She starts babbling some meaningless words, everytime louder.

It will be just a dream. I will know it's not real. Fear will not surpass me, I'm capable of anything. I am strong, I am wise. I keep repeating myself that, while hearing her murmur long unusual sentences.

I feel ghastly, this is very abnormal for me. My eyes are still closed, and I'm feeling a bit far away, as if I wasn't here. Everything's moving. I want to open my eyes, but for some reason I can't. Her voice is every time more bleary, indistinct. I feel like I'm floating out of my body without actually doing it, this is so weird. I want to leave, but now is too late.

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