suspicion and doubt

Start from the beginning

"Your... W-welcome"

*next morning*

I had sat up and streched giving a small yawn

"Morning y/n"

"Oh reiji morning to you too"

I had gotten up

"I'll be down to help with breakfast shortly"


I walked out and to my room where there stood laito

"Oh vixen there you are"

He telepoted and now had gotten really close to me at this point

"Where have you been" he asks smirking like he knew some sort of secret

"Wandering now I'm going to showerk

"Hmmm I smell my brother... On you"

"Way to sound perverted baka" I shoot at him while grabbing clothes

"Oh defensive are we" he says running 2 fingers up my back

I shut the door to the bathroom and take my shower, change, makeup etc...

Bouncing down the Hall.I head to the kitchen to start breakfast

As I start reiji walks in

"hey reiji"

"Hey y/n you look great"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

He pulls out ingredients and joins me

We finish and bring food out to the others

ayato threw a piece of sausage at laito

Well eggs got thrown and a food fight broke out until reiji had stepped in


After breakfast I had gone to my room to get my bag ready for school

Finishing that I walked to the game room and picked up some darts unaware I had an audience

1. Miss
2.outer ring of the bullseye


3. Bullseye

"FUCK YEAH" I scream jumping up and down

I hear laughing

Turning around i saw Ayato reiji shu and laito


"long enough" Ayato says

"Are you going to get ready vixen"

"Maybe I should share this video with the others"

"Shu don't that's rude especially without her permission"

I had put the darts back and ran back to my room

I looked at the outfit when reiji had popped in

"Hey is it ok if I change the outfit slightly to make it more... Me"

"Yes just keep the blazer"

I replace the skirt with one of my skin tight skirts, the plain shoes and socks with black hosiery and black knee high leather boot heels (or regular heels)

adding the blazer my uniform, I fix my hair into a beautiful curled (or if your hair is short just like it is) Pinned back look and make sure my makeup looks flawless

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