Chapter 15 - Xerous!

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Xerous ^

"XEROUS!" Demos shouted. Me and Demos' servant flinched at his shout.

"Y-Ye-Yes, Ma-Master. He is in t-the thr-throne room, Master." The man said with his head down still shaking.

"What is he doing here unannounced!?"


"Why wasn't I informed of his presences?"


"Well? SPEAK!" Demos said as he grabbed his servant by the collar.

"I- Uhm, he ju-just came in a few moments a-ago, Master. H-he requests your presence in the matter of the upcoming ceremony." The man said as gribbed on Demos arms as Demos held him in the air by his shirt.

Demos let out another growl and dropped the man with a thud to the floor. "Tell him I will be right down." The man nodded frantically and scrambled to his feet and bolted out the room.

Once again I was left alone with the short-tempered Demos. He had his back toward me fuming. He must really hate this Xerous guy.

"Uhm. wh-who is Xerous?" I asked with the all the courage I had left and braced myself to be yelled at. I heard Demos sigh and turned to look at me. He seemed to calm down a little after I spoke.

"He is an arrogant fool and no concern to you." Demos said walking toward the door. "I will be back shortly." He was about to step out when I stopped him.

"De-Demos, could you please untie me?" I asked

Demos gave me a hard look. "No! I have yet to trust you on your own. Also, I can't risk the chance of my br-that idiot seeing you. Not yet at least." Demos said as he walked out the door. I sighed and started pulling on the ropes hoping Bethany tied them loose enough for me to slip free.

3rd POV

Demos used his super speed and ran up to the throne room. Demos had slowed down and started walking when he reached the throne room. The two guards standing there in front of the door gave Demos a fearful look as he approach them. The guards were about to open the door, but Demos just pushed them out of the way jerked the doors open. He did it so hard and fast that the doors almost came off its hinges. He looked around his throne room and saw the person he despised so much sitting on his throne.

"Get you ugly self off my chair!" Demos said as he marched his way over to Xerous. Xerous just smirked and slowly got off the chair. "Good to see you to, Demos." Xerous said as he stood up and approach Demos.

"That's Alpha Prime Demos to you. Why are you even here?" Demos asked sounding irritated. Xerous just rolled his eyes.

"I came for the Winter Moon Ceremony of course." He said as he smiled at Demos. Demos rolled his eyes and sat on his throne. "You know good and well that the ceremony is two weeks way." Demos said annoyed.

"I had to come early to visit my big brother."

"You are not my brother! Especially after you tried to destroy me for the throne back on Luprus!" Demos said standing up getting in his brother's face. Xerous just smirked. "I never tried to kill you afterwards."

"Wow, I'm faltered." Demos said sarcastically and walked back to his throne. "What do you want?!"

"Can't I just come and visit my brother."


Xerous smirked and sat on the throne beside Demos. "I heard that you have a mate now."

"What's it to you?" Demos asked harshly. Xerous stood up and turned toward his brother and sniffed the air. "I can smell her on you. Why don't I drop by her room and say hello." Xerous said as he made his way toward the door. He didn't get far due to the fact that Demos was standing in his way preventing him from leaving.

"Go anywhere near my mate I will rip your head off. Brother or not." Demos growled out in warning and his eyes turning red. Xerous smirked and backed away with his hands raised in surrender.

"The mate bond must really have a hold on you little brother." Xerous said.

"You would know if you had a mate." Xerous smirked was fell from his face as and agitated one appeared on it. Demos smirk knowing hit hard with that comment.

"Don't go there Demos." Xerous gritted his teeth as he turned from his brother. Then a wicked smirk grew on Xerous face. Out of nowhere Xerous used his super speed and ran out the room following the scent of Demos mate.

Demos was surprised and the same time not surprised. Demos used his super speed and bolted out of the throne room to Katherine's room. Within seconds he was at Katherine's room.


Katherine's POV

I was sitting in my room still trying to get loose of my ropes. Bethany must have tied them tighter than I thought, but I was not about to give up. He can't just tigh people up like this, but there is also the thought of the consequences if I get free. What if he locks me in a cell? I stop trying to get free of the ropes also remembering the tracker in my arm. My heart dropped at the thought of no hope for an escape.

I just sat there for a few minutes with my mind going all over the place. Then I began to wonder about the Xerous guy and why Demos hate him so much. As I continued to wonder I heard a noise outside of my room. Suddenly the door is flung open and rushes in a man I never seen before. He slammed the door and turned to look at me. His eyes widen a little like he just came to a realization about something. Then he had an erie smirk on his face that made a chill run through me. He slowly walked toward me as I tried to scoot away from him, but it was in vain.

The man held up his hands in surrender. "Its okay I wouldn't hurt you." He said in a serious voice with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm Xer-"


The mysterious man and me looked to see a very pissed off looking Demos standing at the door.

Xerous just smirked at Demos. "This should be interesting."

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