sweet lies || onesided!rain x reader

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"I'll make you happy with the sweetest lie in the world"

"What troubles you, my dear? You're never out at this hour."

You leaned against the door leading to the balcony. The cool air soothing your skin that had just been burning with hot desire a few moments ago. Though you offered counsel to your Edenian that calmly looked into the night sky, you secretly knew he could care less whether or not you worried. Which made his brisk remark tug at your marionette heartstrings.

"Nothing, darling. I am merely taking a breather," his creamy voice cut into the air like silk. Unfiltered by his mask, it could make any broad swoon.
But the cutting edge in the pet name stood out to you, and for that his voice did nothing.

Perhaps once we're scared of getting hurt, we turn away from the truth.

He kept his back to you, gazing into the stars with his firm hands holding the banister. The posture allowed you to admire his taut muscles, outlined through the fabric of his clothing. His bottoms stretched over the curve of his ass beautifully. It really didn't matter if he was Edenian or half god, Rain was an attractive man nonetheless. You couldn't deny that magnetic pull towards him. You couldn't deny the dripping heat you felt around him. But you could deny that his cold, brief kisses meant nothing. You could deny the cold shoulder despite the warm embrace.

The truth hurts more than a lie.

He could sense your presence still looming behind him. A heavy sigh escaped his perfect lips, creating a puff of smoke out into the cold air. Pray that the Elder Gods didn't allow him to sense your desires.

He turned his head to look at you over his shoulder, but he kept his eyes down. His raven hair framed his face so perfectly you don't even know why he chose to keep it up more often than not. "Is there something you need?" Maybe his deep, smooth voice filling your ears was enough.

"You." you said in a whisper barely audible, the word a ghost on your lips.
He held his position, his eyes darting around for a second before he gathered himself and turned towards you. His outstretched hand invited you to come to him, and that you did, each step bringing out thin tension between the two of you.

Once you stood in front of him, it almost felt a little dangerous. He was a powerful being after all, and you had no confidence that you could handle him if something went wrong. But was he really a bad guy? Your head swirled with incoherent thoughts as you stared into his hooded, hollow eyes.

"If this is what you want," he lifted your chin with his hand delicately cupping your face. He met your gaze with his chocolate orbs, though they were gentle they held no emotion. A blank slate of eye candy. "...I'll give it to you." His large hands took in your face and he brought his lips to yours. They were cold but they were wet. You sighed against them as his tongue ran across your bottom lip ever so quickly.

You could cover your ears with your hands, but you couldn't escape the undeniable truth no matter what. Even as you felt yourself slowly drift into a cloud of euphoria as Rain began to apply light suction on your bottom lip, you could not escape.

Keep in mind this is arranged.

I'll only keep up this charade until I claim what is rightfully mine.

I apologize that you misunderstood the nature of this relationship.

"It is not in my intentions to hurt you, (y/n)," he whispered into the same ears that tried to hide from the truth. His sweet, sweet husky voice making you shiver with anticipation. His cold hands slid down your sides and he gently nipped your earlobe before speaking up once more with that tempting voice, "This is the only way we can be." He dragged your sensitive lobe between his teeth and turned you around so your back arched against the banister. His lips then moved down to your neck, leaving a chilling trail of marks and kisses. His grip on your waist tightened and tugged you against him. You felt nothing there. He was soft.

Maybe you go through with this because you believe you have no choice.

Maybe you let him fill you with his sweet lies on purpose.

"Rain, I- ah," you whimpered as he silenced you by sucking on your collarbone. Not enough to leave a mark.

If it felt so bitter why did he taste so sweet?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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