Moving In

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Chapter 2; Moving In

I ran a hand through my hair, it was a natural habit as Corey drives us into I quote 'The Trap House'. I notice that this house was a freaking' mansion. I shouldn't be surprised, Corey has mentioned that to me before.

I cock my head in awe, my brother is so lucky. I guess I should be lucky then, too considering I am moving in. Corey had parked the car, he seemed more excited than I am. At least I'm not the only girl in there, there's Corey's girlfriend who I've met before named Devyn. She was really sweet when we met.

This mansion looked beautiful. Corey and Aaron informed me that there was four other roommates. Jake, Colby, Sam, and Devyn. There were also two dogs, Navi and my brother's dog, Buddy. From what Aaron's told me, Buddy is the cutest thing I'll have ever seen.

I exit Corey's car, looking at my new house and I just noticed Aaron came round with my suitcases. Corey slings an arm around my shoulder, grinning. "Dude, I'm so excited!" Corey exclaimed.

"We can see that." Aaron and I both said in sync, I let out a chuckle and Aaron and I high-fived before Aaron opened the door to the mansion. My eyes widen. This place is gorgeous. There was a chandelier hanging above us as I enter, a big hallway that lead to the kitchen and lounge and then there were stairs to the right.

"Everybody!" Corey yells and a dog, Navi, had come running to her father. "Navi! Navi," Corey bent down to her level. "Navi, this is Paisley, Niece Paisley," I let out a loud laugh, before placing a hand over my mouth, giggling against it.

"Hi, Navi," I coo as I bend down next to Corey and sat on my knees as I watched Navi's tail wagging hyper speed. Navi was jumping all around me, she was very excited. "Hey, baby." I continue, but she quickly moved onto Aaron, greeting him.

"Everyone!" Corey yells again and it echoes okay around the house making me chuckle. "Household meeting!" I smile, I couldn't help it, I haven't seen these two in years and they're still the same.

"What!" I hear someone yell upstairs then I heard some people coming downstairs. I looked down at Navi, brushing some hair behind my ear, smiling. Navi is a very cute dog. I can't wait to meet Buddy now.

"We have a visitor! Or, however, new roommate!" Corey yells I chew on my lower lip, looking up and saw that there were several people spread out in front of us. I looked over at Aaron, who looked back at me and smiled, walking over to me and placing a hand on my back for comfort.

"Is everyone here?" Aaron asks and I noticed Devyn standing there, recognizing her. She seemed to recognized me and smiled, giving me a wave. Apparently, everyone was here considering there was four roommate down here with us. "Everyone, this is my baby sister, Paisley,"

"That's Sam, Devyn, Jake, and Colby," I take in what Corey said, studying each and every one of them. "You've met Devyn before,"

"Yeah, hi, nice to see you again," I shyly said, softly smiling.

"Is she just as sweet and innocent as Aaron?" Jake asked, somewhat jokingly.

Everyone laughed, making me shy away. God, I'm never good with new people around. I almost backed away so I can hide behind Aaron, but Aaron wasn't letting me. "No!" Aaron laughed. "She's the devil."

"Aaron's right, she truly is the definition of the devil." Corey joked I'm not that bad. I'm only bad to the people I'm closest with, so far, that's... Aaron and Corey.

"No, she's not!" Devyn denied. "I never thought there wouldn't be anyone more innocent than Aaron, but there is, it's Paisley,"

"I'm not innocent!" I protested, accidentally sounding very innocent making everyone laugh. I stuffed my hands in my face, groaning.

"She's innocence when she wants to be." Corey defended. I blow out some air, revealing my face and brushed the hair out of my hair.

"Welcome to the household, Paisley," Sam greeted, smiling. I smiled back.

"Okay, I'll take your stuff to your room and Corey will show you your room," Aaron explained to me and I looked up at him, understanding.

"And Buddy," I added, in my baby voice.

"And Buddy," Aaron repeated. I let out a soft chuckle as Aaron takes my suitcases. I couldn't wait to crash bang onto my bed. Corey leads the way and I passed everyone, closely behind Corey as we made our way up to the steps.

I felt the anxiety drop, some weight dropped on my shoulders as well. "Is she as sweet and innocent as Aaron?" I mock Jake, before frowning. "No, I'm not."

"Agreed." Corey sings, making me laugh. I missed Corey, I missed him coming over to our house every day and him and Aaron pranking me. I ran a hand through my hair, as we approached a door. "Okay, so you'll be down near Sam and Colby, that's Sam's room; that's Colby room."

"Oh," was all I said when I noticed that there was a bathroom in between there rooms. "Can I go in my room now?" Corey nodded and walked over to my door.

"Paisley Doh," Corey paused. "Ever since you were a little girl, you've always wanted to live in a mansion." I looked at him surprised, that was true, I actually did want to live in a mansion when I grew up. Then again, most kids did, but how did know that? He probably just guessed. "You probably didn't imagine living in it with your brother, though."

"No," I let out a small laugh, before smiling. "No, I did not."

I pressed my lips together. Waiting for him to continue the speech. "Now, I present to you... you're very own room!" Corey opens the door. "In a mansion." He quickly added making me giggle as I enter my room. "Sorry, it's not very big."

I let out a small gasp as I looked at the decent sized room. It's bigger than the one that I lived in back at home. "This is big what do you mean?" I looked at Corey, entering my room. There was a bed already here, I needed to get my furniture, there was a closet and that was about it. "It's nice. I love it, thanks, Cor," we both hugged as Aaron entered my room.

"Hey, Pais here's your stuff," Aaron softly said. "Did you need help unpacking?" I looked around and pressed my lips together, before looking at my brother.

"No, I've got it." I dismiss him. At least my bed was made up so I can crash here. It was like 12 something, and I'm exhausted. "I'll do it in the morning, I don't want to interrupt your day."

"Are you sure?" Corey asked and I nodded.

"Positive." I smile, giving him a thumbs up. "I might need Devyn or someone to help me shop for my furniture, though."

"Oh, yeah," Corey nodded, before smiling. "Bro, I still can't believe you're here."

"Same!" I agreed. "Thank you, Aaron, for making this happen."

"Your welcome, Pais,"

"No, but seriously," I tell him sincerely. I then moved and hugged him, he gave me a tight squeeze.

"Love you," Aaron tells me.

"Love you too," I paused, and looked over at Corey. I'm about to do something really cheesy. "And you, Corey," Corey grinned and walked over to us. "Group hug!" I cheer, and immediately I have pushed into a hug a sandwich, squished against my two brothers. I let out a laugh, making the others' laugh, too. "Alright, night guys," I tell them, smiling.

"Night, Pais." Aaron and Corey both sat back, grinning as they walked out of my room. I slowly walked to my door and noticed there was a lock on it, so, as I did at my old apartment, I locked the door after I closed it. I don't want them guys to prank me or wake me up in the morning, trust me, I know what goes down.

I watch Aaron and Corey's channel and man... they're brutal, well, Corey is more brutal than Aaron. He's too nice to prank anyone. He would only prank me hard, let's be honest.

I decided that I would start to unpack my bags tonight, putting some closes in my wardrobe so I don't have to do as much tomorrow. This is going to be an interesting year.

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