Chapter 29 - Flipping Nazi's

Start from the beginning

"Super strong nails!" Felicity supported.

Iris tried to change the subject, "So um, you and Oliver? You guys next you think to walk down the aisle?"

"Maybe once the city is not being attacked and Oliver is no longer under indictment and he's spent enough time with his son who's still mourning the loss of his mother," she listed.

"So any day now?" I joked lightheartedly after her very dark life description.

"Any day now," she chuckled.

"What about you Willow?" Iris asked and I practically spat out my drink.

"Hm?" I wiped my mouth.

"Oh, who's the mystery, guy?" Caitlyn joined.

"Well," I started slowly, "IRIS wasn't really supposed to tell anyone," I directed my statement passive aggressively towards her.

She smiled and Felicity turned her head towards me, "Is it Dibny?" she bluntly stated and my eyes widened in shock.

"What!?" Caitlyn exclaimed.

"Uh, no. Definitely not," I lied but when I received no reaction I could tell my poker face must have been failing miserably.

I sighed, "How did you know?" I asked her emotionlessly.

"It's so obvious! During the brief minutes before and after the bachelorette party, he could barely keep his eyes off you!" she revealed and I blushed. Really?! I can't believe I never even noticed.

"I doubt that."

"Don't be all innocent, I saw you sneaking glances at him too!"

"Did not."

"You did."

"That's funny cause I don't remember that ever happening. Iris back me up."

"Actually, I think I recall seeing you-"

"Come on!" I yelled and the room went quiet.

After feeling a little awkward I sighed, "was it really that obvious?"

"Yes," the two chimed.

I looked over to Caitlyn hoping to receive her opinion. "Well to be honest... I didn't know," she said and I cheered.

"See told yea."

Iris started to disagree and I cut her off by announcing, "Anyways! Cheers Iris to your big day!" And lucky for me, the conversation ended as we all clinked glasses.


Back at my apartment, I got ready for the rehearsal dinner. There was a knock on my door and I briefly smiled. I quickly adjusted my dress one last time before walking over to open it.

The door opened and greeted him with a full smile. "Hey, Ralph."

"Hey, Willow," he responded.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now