Chapter 38

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AN: venue of the homecoming ball ^^


"You look absolutely gorgeous tonight."
Parker leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"So does that mean I look bad all of the other days?" I said. Walking further into the dance.

I didn't feel him as close to me as he was before when I started walking. I wanted to see if he was still standing there, but I didn't bother turning around.

I know. Trust me, I know. I'm being petty. I honestly didn't even mean to say what I said. I hate when girls say that kind of stuff. But I also knew that it would take him back just a little, which is what I really wanted. For him to back up, not always be so close.

I don't know how I could hear the stomping of his feet above all of the music, but a hand soon found its way around my waist and held onto me tightly.

"Can we please talk?" He asked in a quiet tone, wrapping both hands around me and tucking his head in the crook of my neck.

I almost said yes. Just feeling the warmth of his body next to mine made me want to say yes. But thankfully Angie came just in time

"Hey guys!! You both look so amazing!" She shouted over the music as she brought her date over to us. I've seen him around school before, He wasn't her actual boyfriend or anything. I think his name was Mat. I knew that she had only ever seen him as a friend, and same with him.
You would think that a "ball" would be a little more elegant, but the venue seemed to be the only elegant thing about this dance.

It was absolutely beautiful. Everything was green and stone. This place looked like an actual castle. And the back side of it had tons and tons of gardens. The chaperones has told us not to go wondering around and to stay inside. But we all know how much I love my secret gardens.
So how can I not go and check it out?

"Thank you! Let's dance!" I shouted over to Angie, pulling her away from her date, and pulling myself away from mine.
Everyone was crowding around each other as they jumped and gripped everyone else. I have to admit. The dancing wasn't very elegant either. It was rather dirty. Very dirty. I could tell Angie was t exactly thrilled about the dancing either. That made me happy. At least I wasn't the only one who was different from everyone else. Don't get me wrong, Angie was definitely one who could party, but she also wasn't nasty about it.

"I'm gonna go find the restroom!!" I shouted over to her. All she did was nod and point her head back to Mat, signaling that she'd be with him. I looked back anyway to see if Mat was still standing with Parker. He wasn't, I couldn't see Parker anywhere. Good.

I tried to wiggle my way passed all of the hormonal teenagers and get out of the dance circle. It's a lot harder than it seems. Everyone is constantly shoving you and pushing. I think I've stepped on millions of people's feet by now. But of course they don't notice, they are all to busy grinding on each other.

Finally, I pushed passed the last person and took in a huge breath of air.

"My god!" I exclaimed out loud to myself. I started to brush the invisible dirt off of my dress and quickly pat myself down.
I even had smeared lipstick on my arm.. and it wasn't even mine! That's freaking nasty. Eww.

I couldn't stand being inside for any longer, I had to get out. The entire room feels like it's shrinking down on me. Everything feels so right and squished, even though no one is near me. I immediately start to head outside.
Thankfully none of the chaperones are outside when I exit, so I go straight for the gardens.

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