Chapter 6

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It was almost lunch time, but Walking down the hallways, I couldn't help but think about that music room. All my life I've wanted to play professionally and be a famous singer. It was always my dream, my number one goal in life

"Hey Athena!" I heard from a high squeaky voice
Jesus Christ. This girls enthusiasm never lets me down

"Hey Ange. You can call me Athie if you'd like. That's always been my nick name.."

"Athie, athie, athie.... I LOVE IT! Deal!"

I looked at her awkwardly, then we both busted out laughing. I could feel everyone's eyes on us but I didn't care. Tears were literally falling out of my eyes from how hard I was laughing

"Hmm Okay haha. Oh hey, are you going to be going to the football game?"
I stared at her curiously. Why would I ever want to go to a game where they just throw a small ball back and forth?

"Umm... probably not." I answered with all honesty

"Oh come on. You have to go... this is the FIRST football game of the entire year. It's insanely important because this school is a major 'football' school. Even I will be attending."

Did I really wanna go to this game?? Angie would be there so I could just stay with her...

No no no, with your luck, the ball would probably hit you in the face..

But it could be super fun. Try and get out more!!


Angie was definitely about to start telling me more reasons on why I should go, but thankfully the lunch bell disturbed her moment

"YES!! It's lunch!! FINALLY!"
I wasn't even able to let out a sound before she grabbed my wrist and started to pull me towards the cafeteria.

As she ran to go in line, I walked over to our table and claimed the seats we've been sitting at with my bags

"Umm, excuse me?" I twisted my head in the direction of one of those football boys... he wasn't Parker, but he was still gorgeous. Now that he was actually closer, I was able to look at some of his features. Like his perfectly straight jaw line, and the way his smile alone could kill a thousand women

I snapped out of my daze and quickly shook my head, giving him my full attention
"Uhh... yeah?"

"I'm Jamey Brooks." He held his hand out to me while still leaving up against the table.
I smiled gently at him then took his hand

"Athena Jacks..." I said cautiously
His hand felt so warm in mine, and huge

"Well it's nice to meet you Athena, beautiful name by the way. Do you mind if I sit down?"
I wasn't really able to say any words so I just nodded my head and he took a seat. But even after he sat down, I didn't say anything. He was the first person (besides Angie) to actually be nice to me...

Everyone at this school just seemed like self loving assholes
"So, where did you move here from?"

And here we go with the small talk...
"Umm. I'm sorry. I don't really want to come off as being rude or anything.. but why exactly are you being nice to me?"

He seemed a little taken with my words
"Why wouldn't I be nice to you? You haven't given any reason for me not to like you."

True true
"Well. You are friends with that Parker guy, right? I didn't think any friend of his would have an interest in me.." I said those words very slowly and quietly, debating on whether I should have said them AS they were leaving my mouth.

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