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This time when Melody returned, she was happy rather than aiming a gun at my head. Which confused me, cause, didn't the Doctor die? And wasn't he her friend?

She must've seen my face, "Just went to a wedding. Saw an old friend, had a good chat. What have you been up too?"

"Lying to officers."

Her face showed mock shock, "You bad girl. That's illegal you know."

I shrug, playing along, "Well, I mean, it has just been one of those weeks."

"Oh of course." She smiled. Her smile was one of her best qualities, if not all of them. "Have you remembered anything? Past this morning?" She seemed genuinely curious.

"Some bits. From long ago. Nothing to do with how I ended up here." I chuckled humorlessly, "Unless you count watching your race die as second degree murder. Then, guilty as charged."

Melody frowned, "I'm sorry. I never knew."

"How could you? I only just found out myself, and I don't know why I'm telling you seeing as how I only met you this morning." I was frustrated with myself. "I don't know why I trusted you when you practically kidnapped me. Or why I felt so close to your friends."

I slammed my fist on the wall harshly. "Stop!" Melody tried to grab me, but the wall was in this way.

"Why cant I remember?!" I slammed my head this time, cracking the cement walls around me. This caused alarms to go off and guards to run to the cell.

They try to calm me down, I don't listen though. I keep slamming my head and yelling. Lashing out like a child until someone comes into my cell. They turn me around and I don't even look at their face before I slam my forehead against theirs, "I've lost my people, my daughter and myself. Can't you give me a minute to grieve!"

The guard that I headbutted was dragged out and I was put to sleep.

*River's POV*

It broke my heart to see Ophelia like that, to see her struggle like that. We had grown close before the incident.

The one that caused her to forget.

The thing is, it's likely to happen again. And again. And again. Forgetting is a side effect to knowing me after all. I look at her sleeping figure, her face contorted with emotions that were likely caused by nightmares.

She had told me about her home before. And her daughter. And so many other things about her life that she has yet to rediscover. I wish I could help her, but the rule is to wait for her to get the journal before I do.

She should get it soon. Then, and only then, will it all make sense.

I look to see her waking up, they must've just wanted to be able to leave without another one of them getting injured.

She looked to me, her eyes empty, "Do I know you?"

It wasn't because she had forgotten, but because she had had an epiphany, "Yes."

"Who are you to me?" Her eyes were hopeless, she knew so little.

"Spoilers." That is all I can say I'm afraid.

Her laugh was humorless, bland. And it shattered my soul as the words left her mouth, "That's a bit upsetting. To know that I've got a future. One that I'll meet you for real. One where I get to figure it all out." She sighed, "I don't want a future."

This was new, even for me. She had never been this depressed. She always kept a stoic face, but she was broken now. I guess we both were.

"Now, its not too bad. I promise, you'll remember soon and everything will be better-"

"Will it though?" She cut me off, "Is it better to remember death, and suffering, and loss? Is it better to remember the hellfire burning at the end of the tunnel?" She was pacing in the room, "What I remember is enough! I don't want to see anymore death, I want to see growth. And life. And joy. I want to see why I should be alive-"

"What did your daughters laugh sound like?" This cut off her rant.


I repeated the question, more details this time, "What did your daughters laugh sound like? Did her eyes sparkle a certain way? Did she like to hang in the trees and roll down the hills?"

I sat down next to the wall that was closest to hers. I heard her sit down too, "She loved the planet. She never got to experience Asgard too much, seeing she was too soon taken." She exhaled then continued, "Her eyes were always full of hope, and gleamed brighter than the three suns. And her laugh was as sweet as candy tastes and as light at butterfly wings."

"That is what you should live for. Cause you are the only one that truly remembers. You are the last of your kind to pass on legends." I answer her questions from earlier, I had heard these tales before. But when one is depressed they put so much soul into it that it makes it a whole new story.

"Thank you, Melody." She knows my name still, or was it her nickname for me?

"Why Melody?"

I hear a chuckle, "It suits you." A smile was back in her voice.

She was still broken, just been glued back together.


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