Chapter 31-So Boring...

Start from the beginning

"Me? and Damen haven' know..."She said a bright pink blush appearing on her face.

"Had sex?"I asked smiling.

"Yea...I mean yes to what you said but no that we haven't done it."

"Aww...the first time Damen has actually carred about someone.Don't worry.One day it will happen,and you will be a very happy lady."I said as we began walking to the escalator.

"What's it like?If you don't mind me asking..."She said sheepishly.Angelica was a very adorable eighteen year old.She was still in high school and she was like a little girl.

"It's nice.It hurts at first...but after a minute or two it's nice."

"Were you nervous?"

"Yea.Very.But I was in heat so it didn't consume me."

"Oh...I take the pills for it."She said.

"Don't worry.It isn't as bad as you think.And I am pretty sure Damen would make sure you are in as little pain as possible."

"What was Damen like before?"She asked as we stepped off.

"Well I had only known him for about a couple weeks but he was a total ass and playboy.And congratulations you changed his horrible ways."

"Really?"She asked a bit of amusement on her face.

"Yea.Good job."I said standing infront of the store.It had pregnant women pictures wearing there clothes and they were happy and smiling.

"Are you alright?"She asked.


"Oh come on it will be fun."She laughed grabbing my hand and dragging me in.The lady at the counter was young and no offense...I think she hit the food court one too many times.Like I know it's rude to say that but...seriously her uniform shirt was to tight and I couldn't see her neck.

I am such a bad person...because she was really nice.

"Hello welcome to Mathers Maternity if you need anything come and ask me."She said flashing us a warming smile.

"Okay let's look at some pants because it's cold outside."She said taking me over to the jean racks.

"What's this white stretchy thing?"I asked touching the spandex part of the jeans.

"That's to go around your stomach."She said.

"Oh God..."I sighed.After an hour I bought a couple of jeans,some shirts and sweaters and I wasn't the happiest.After a couple of stores I bought lot's of clothes,sweaters and other things and I was bored ot of my mind.These clothes were so boring and plain!I am not a boring person,many teachers have told me I am very colourful....I'm still not sure if that was meant in a good or bad way.

"Oh two more.Do you have shoes?"

"Of course."

"Not heels,Beverly.I mean good shoes."

"I have a pair of converse."I smiled shrugging.

"You need some flat shoes.You can't wear heels."She said.This was probably the high light of my day...I loved shoes.I bought some flat shoes that I see moms wearing when they walk their kids or take them to school.And now I was hungry and tired.

"One more thing.I need a new laptop because the one I have crashed on me because I was using it to hack a lot of things just broke."She laughed as we walked into Best Buy.It was quite fast she knew what she needed and we were done in seconds.

Food time...

I was really craving pizza...and chips...and fries.

"Okay what do you want to get?"Angelica asked as I started up my lovely Jeep that Brandon said I could have.

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