major da Ja vu

"What are you staring at"

"Your eyes... They look so familiar"

"How so" he smirked

"I had a friend as a child his eyes we're like yours so blue and beautiful"

"Well I can say the same for you"

Glowing e/c eyes and flawless brown hair (*remember Edgar's twin sister*😏)

He pulls me onto his lap his clothes wet and heavy, mine tight but both clinging to us

I lean against his chest I can faintly hear his's classical music soft and calming 

He moves my bra strap off my shoulder and leans in, I'm helpless caught in his grasp...sitting there waiting for him to bite me 

His fangs bear down on my shoulder blade finally breaking the skin his fangs push down deep and he begins sucking my blood  I Yelp and he pulls me closer

It hurts so bad but I love it I sit there holding his shoulders

He pulls back and holds my locket between his fingers fighting with it

I look at him puzzled

He slowly opens it and his eyes widen as if he had seen a ghost or something he didn't want to believe or that he couldn't believe

"You... Your..." he goes silent like he regrets what he's done

He stands up and let's me go

As quick as he was here he was now gone just the same

I close my locket and suddenly it's clear

Shu.. Shu.. Shu

Shu is the kid from my childhood

Blonde hair... Orangish tips

Beautiful eyes like the ocean

How could I not see

Shu was my best friend and now my first bite but does he know the same... Is that why he left I had to know does he remember me like we had promised 

I took my bath and quickly changed into a crop top and shorts not caring to cover the bite mark 

I ran to shu's room but he wasn't there

I checked the living room... Nothing

I heard about a game room so I went there and everyone was there

Even shu

"Look at vixen how cute" laito flirts running his hand up my leg

I stare at laito unpleasantly and smack his hand

"Owww that hurt" he pouted

"No it didn't you cry baby" I taunt

"This isn't over" he says walking back over to the pool table with ayato and Subaru

Reiji was playing chess with kanato

Shu was on the couch

I walked over and sat moving his head to my lap like I did one day when we were kids

He looked at me oddly but then continued sleeping

"Lazy ass"

Eyes turn to reiji

"He's pathetic.. He does nothing but lay around all day not caring about what's around him and if you look up spineless in a dictionary his picture is next to it"

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