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( the proposal )

( the proposal !  )

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mean why does they have an online massager to message each time margaret walks or even breathe . i know she supposed to be the bitch , but how come she never notices that . and can we talk about how sandra bullock character canadian when everyone ( and probably their mother ) knows that ryan reynolds is canadian .  i also dont really see margaret as a bitch like they make her wanna seem . also if andrew and his family is from alaska , he shouldn't he not be american ? and why isn't the sky in alaska still sunny ? know i don't live in alaska ( i live in america and wish i live in dominican republic again ) so i would love to meet someone from alaska . also when margaret falls in the water why isn't she frozen ?  was it global warming  ?  also how come no one's in their jacket in this movie , this is supposed to be taking place in alaska ?  i have questions . can we also talk about how andrew is 'rich' but has the same employee for every shop they own ?  like how i know oscar from the office is funny (  like on youtube look up :  ramone srip dancing in the proposal  or margaret dancing with ramone )  while looking this up the ball rap , it is as funny as ramone .     i just find it funny how andrew just touches margaret's ass , random but it's true . but anyways the movie is so cute and amazing , no wonder everyone loves this movie . plus the ending is the best thing ever , but not better then the end credit . and it was only $5 .

9.5 out of 10.

as you can clearly see the proposal is my new favorite movie (  that was made in 2009 )  also the name / word ryan reynolds is saved on my keyboard ... and im highkey sacred .

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