The Star Walker and the Navigator

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Recognising the voice, Gillian pulled her mask off and smoothed her hair. 

 "Captain Xing," Abel said, "let me introduce Gillian Berry. I notified you about her a couple of weeks ago. Today, I'm introducing her to the Walker's role."

 "Sorry to interrupt, Mr Yegg." The Captain nodded at Gillian. He was a short man, but he had a commanding manner. His hair was greying. He balanced himself on the floor of the Navigation centre with a walking cane. Two marines and a uniformed ship's officer accompanied him.

 "I assume neither of you are going live today?"

Abel replied, "No, this is just an introduction, a simulation."

"Do you have a formal training plan, Mr Yegg?"

Abel's reply was slow. "We're working on one. I've not attempted this type of training before, and under such pressure."

"How is Mr Dane?" the Captain asked.

"Still the same – incapacitated."

"And I understand you've developed a cold, Mr Yegg. You don't seem well."

"Yes, but I'm not too bad. At the moment, I'm still scheduled to Walk the ship home to the Earth system in twenty-four hours."

The Captain turned to Gillian. "You have a lot of hard work ahead of you, Ms Berry."

"I know." But Gillian had been thinking that she had won the jackpot, lifted out of a dull administrative job on a moon of Gliese 581d, a job that paid only low numbers.

The Captain gazed at Gillian steadily, making her blush.

"How old are you, Ms Berry?"

Gillian reply was almost a whisper. "I'm eighteen."

The Captain nodded, continuing to gaze at her with piercing eyes that seemed, to her, doubting. Gillian felt caught out, somehow guilty.

But she realised that, though the Captain's intimidating gaze was deliberate, he wasn't probing for her secrets. He was telling her that his ship was in peril. He was telling her that she must be prepared to sacrifice herself for it. Gillian understood, and was ready.

"Where are you from, originally, Ms Berry?"

"Hellas Basin, Sir."

"You don't call me, 'Sir'. You address me as 'Captain' - or 'Mr Xing', if you prefer."

"Yes, Captain."

"And you were selected from several thousand applicants." The Captain spoke these words as a statement, not a question.

"The Walking ability is very rare, Captain." Abel Yegg said.

"We've had that reminder forcibly put to us, haven't we? How did you arrive in the Gliese system, Ms Berry?"

"My parents migrated when I was young. It was a career decision." Gillian was careful not to drop her eyes from the Captain's gaze as she gave her answer. She steeled herself, and returned his scrutiny with a bold look. I'm the one for this job, she said to herself, and to him.

The Captain seemed to nod at her almost imperceptibly as he replied, "Well, I'm glad we found someone with the abilities to be trained as a backup. We're too much at risk with only Mr Yegg available. His cold may delay us."

Abel replied, "I haven't lost my sense of balance."

"I presume Doctor Morris has decided you're ok," the Captain replied. His voice grew brisk. "Now, I'll leave you to get on with your session, but my Navigation officer, Mr Dryen, will remain with you. I want him present at all your tuition sessions. Goodbye, Ms Berry."

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