New world

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For on human being to love another:

That is the most difficult of all tasks, the ultimate, the last test if proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.

Rainer Maria Rilke

I sit at my piano in deep thought, thinking about nothing really, my mind blank and useless, that's the moment my sister jessamine chose to show up," Zac what are you doing?" and since I didn't respond she tried again, "are you thinking about mum and dad?"

This time I answered "no, and never bring them up again, do you understand Jessamine!"

"Yes, Zachariah, I understand," she said sarcastically, " Zac it's not healthy to keep that experience locked up, you should confide in someone," she inched closer.

"GO!," and at that she left. Finally some peace, I hate it when she tries to get me talking about mum and dad and she knows it. that's why I'm leaving as soon as she falls asleep, she won't miss me and my leaving will be healthy for her, humans and warlocks don't mix well.

Deciding to eat i go to the local warlock diner, I was greeted by Katrina, my favourite faerie friend, she took my order and sat me at a table, that's when Lauren came over to me, my favourite warlock friend, and so did my food. while she rambled on about nothing and everything I ate my chicken and pretended to listen, "Magnus, what do you think?" my mind came back to reality and I don't know what the hell she's talking about.


Sighing she said "never mind, what's the matter with you?"

Not wanting to tell her the truth I just bend it, a little, "Jesse brought up our parents, not that long ago actually, so I'm not the moment, so," I shrug and she gasps, the conversation getting me off my appetite, I push my plate away and place money on the table, "I have to go," but knowing that this will be the last time I see her I add, "you're a good friend, I just wanted you to know," and I left before I saw her reaction.

It's 2 am and I have already packed my bags- actually I used my magic- and I am drawing up a portal, i start to step in but I stop myself to write Jesse a note, it says for her not to look for me and to forget me and go about a normal mundane life with no magic in it. now i can leave feeling a little less guilty, I step in, close my eyes and picture the tall towers of brooklin and step in the portal and leave everything I knew behind, in the past.

I found my apartment it was close to the faeries court and the vampires lair. I have a few friends here, since I've visited in the past, and that's how I got the apartment so quick, that and because I'm the most powerful being in this realm. I am greatly respected by all magical beings which are the children if the Angels( Nephilim), children of the Demon( Warlock), children of the moon( werewolf), children of the night(vampire) and children of the Fey( faerie), because my father is the creator of all demon life and the Reiner of Hell, talk about daddy problems. I despise him but I respect him for he is my creator and I wouldn't be here without him. I set up my stuff, magically-of course, with old things I have collected over my 637 years. As I set my bed down my stomach rumbled so I went to venture for a good chicken shop. I walk down Bane street and then the alley next to it, that's when I saw my friend Marina, a vampire, feeding on a drunk and when she finished i said, "do you need a tissue," and I make a tissue appear.

"Thanks Zac, where do these things you conjure up come from, might i ask?"

Shrugging I say, "honestly I don't know where they come from, that tissue could have been I the hand of a dirty hobo who hadn't washed in days," and with a wince she dropped it and wiped her hands down her thighs.

"Well I better think twice next time I want something from you," she remarks, "oh, are you going to Eric's party?"

"Eric's having a party?" I say.

"Yeah, you coming or do I have to drag you by your hair?"

"You don't have to drag me, you know I'll get any excuse to go to a party," I say amused, "when?"

"This is exactly what he said, and I quote, 'the party is from seven 'til whenever the hell I like'" she said it drunkenly and continued, "'then I think his next words were 'mumble, mumble,' takes a shot that's to strong and says a four letter word that would get him in serious trouble were he at school" she laughed and I couldn't help but join in.

"Ok I gotta go if I'm going to get ready in time," I say.

"Ok, see ya there," and she left with lightning speed, smiling I left without even finding the chicken shop, i'll just eat a the party, I thought.

I was at Eric's party and I couldn't find Marina, but I could see that Eric got some of his party supplies from the Fey, since there was smooyli falling from the ceiling, smooyli is a faerie drug which has the same effect as alcohol as long it's in contact with your skin, smooyli in English basically translates smashed.

I go to the buffet table and am disappointed that there is no chicken but that disappears when I spot Marina with Andrew, a vampire, and I instead feel jealous.

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