The Blue Bayou

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The sand we stand beneath us is our stage
No matter how all want to sink our page
Our butterflies are immeasurable to wage
Seraphs are absurd to make us go rage

It's impossible to dissect us for we're doves
The summer sweethearts under the gloves
Whatever may come beneath us we win
All trials, obstacles and challenge we bin

We might desert ourselves apart but glued
We're walking a tightrope from circus blued
The ravine where we seat on to crush them
How we do our authority to decree all helm

Where we use ukulele to articulate our rune
Where we use hexerei to fluctuate our lune
The songs we lament about our relationship
How we yearn so much one round to ship

Cruise I'm taking now's on it's way yours
Airplane I'm taking too's on it's way yours
Lamborghini I'm taking's on it's way yours
My heart that yearns and longs is all yours

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