Chapter 02: Auntie's House?

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Five years later.

"Na-chan, can you help mother to buy a bottle of soy sauce outside?" Ask a blue-haired woman in her twenties to a child in front of her.

(People nowadays truly likes to dye their hair 😅)

"I will help you, mother." the child answered obediently. The woman smiled softly as she hugged the child.

"Good girl~ Mother will give you a present that you want if you managed to buy the soy sauce later, okay?" At first, she was worried about the child getting lost. But after a few times walking the same road she won't forget it right?

The child nodded and reaches her hands to her mother, asking for the money soundlessly. The woman giggled at this and dropped some yen on the child's hands before turning back to cook.

Who are this pair of mother and child? Of course it is the nurse from before and Tiana.

Tiana got adopted by the nurse and she learned that her name was Freya, an american woman who was working overseas in Japan right now. She do not know how long they will reside here though. By the way, her name in this life did not change at all, it is still Tiana.

Tiana carefully walked down the path that she has remembered after shopping a few times with her mother. Actually, she has a severe case of being lost in direction from her past life, which was brought along to this life and discovered by her mother when she asked her to go buy a soap by herself for the first time. Fortunately, there is an auntie who is kind enough to take her back before evening when she have gotten lost and now is a bosom friend of her mother. (*ノ▽ノ)

'It's not as if I wanted to get lost, you see.... I thought it had already disappeared when I got reincarnated, so I can't help it' (*/▽\*)

After Tiana successfully purchased a bottle of soy sauce, on her way back home she came across a bunch of kids surrounded a corner while laughing. In a moment of curiosity, she peeked from behind to found a little black dog being kicked by them.

"Hahaha, hit it more, hit it more!" Shout the smallest child happily. The other kids laughed even more when they heard this and kicked it a few more times.

'The kids in this era is too vicious!' Tiana thought in heartache.

She got a bit upset. Because in her past life she had seen many animals died tragically without being buried. The most tragic death is being crashed by transportation till its guts scattered, such as dogs and cats.

It is fine for her, since it was all an accidental deaths and the animals died in an instant. But isn't being abused to death is way much more painful?

Unable to bear the sight of it, Tiana shouted out loud.

"Hey, I saw the police coming to raid this place!" Seeing their frightened appearance, she closed in on them.

She snatched the dog from that bunch of kids, not caring about the possibility of being bitten by the dog and decided to run as far as possible from them.

'There is no possibility of winning against a bunch of older kids, so the only choice is to run!' ε=ε=┌( >_<)┘

"Hey, catch that little girl! She took the dog away! Beat her up too!" shout a blonde boy who seemed to be the boss of the kids.

Tiana ran frantically, searching for a safe place to hide and forced her way in a small pipe which barely fitted her and the dog.

When the kids passed near them, she held her breath as she hugged the dog in her chest tightly. Maybe because the dog sensed she has no ill-intent it did not bite her at this situation and kept quiet. Only after the kids passed did Tiana get out and released her breath. She released the dog before looking at her surroundings.

"What should I do now... I am lost again." Tiana sighed deeply and started to walk aimlessly. She did not realize that the dog has followed her at all.


The road became more and more unfamiliar as she walked by. She simply want to cry but she has no tears till she met an old man on the way.

"Child, what are you doing here? Don't you know that this road is not used anymore?" The grey-haired old man asked with a kind smile on his face. His aura is like a kind-hearted grandpa.

He reminded her of her grandpa from her past life who had died before her that it make her want to cry but she controlled it and answered politely.

"It's nothing. I am just lost on the way back home."

"Then would you like to go with gramps? Grandpa is going to a relative's house near here. Maybe you'll be able to find your way back home from there." The old man offered. It seems that he misunderstood her expression as a child who did not know about what to do, so she corrected him.

"Grandpa reminded me of my own grandpa who had died already that it made me want to cry. I cannot help it." It was half true, because she had already met her own grandfather in this life(from Freya's side) and he is similar too with her past life's grandpa. The only differences is that he is quite eccentric and not dead yet, just considered as missing in Las Vegas. She missed him too.

"Then you can call me as your grandpa from now on. Do you want to go with grandpa there?" The old man smiled at her as he asked this.

Tiana tried to see any changes in his expression, but what she seen is just a softened look in his eyes. So after thinking about the pros and cons in it, she agreed reluctantly. Maybe if she followed this old man she will be able to found a way back home.

Little did she know that following the old man will brought her to a frustrating realization on what world she resides in now.


When they arrived at the spot, Tiana frowned. This house seems familiar.... She can't put it on where she'd seen this place before but she know this place.

The old man did not notice this as he pressed the bell. There is a sound of footsteps from inside as a brown-haired woman opened the door and asked while smiling.

"Who is it? Oh, welcome sir, are you the guest that Iemitsu said will be arriving today? It is still quite early from the planned hour." Tiana widened her eyes when she sees the woman.

"Auntie?" Tiana asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh, why are you here sweetie? Are you lost again?" The woman asked, obviously feeling dumbfounded too.

Now Tiana has remembered. When the first time she get lost in this world, she met the auntie right in front of this house. Her face reddened a bit as the auntie brought up her dark past to light even though her expression didn't change at all.

"This is auntie's house?" Tiana asked with an awkward expression on her face, hoping that her conclusion were wrong.

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