Chapter 2

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I awake with a numb feeling in one if my arms. Soon it regains feeling but starts to tingle. I must have fallen asleep on it. I get up and pour myself a cup of coffee. The simple task exhausts me and once I have my cup of coffee I return and sit on my bed. I feel just as hollow today as I did yesterday. Nobody else is in the room. I guess it might be about 10:30.

Christina walks in just as I finish my coffee and set the mug down on the table next to me. She comes and sits crossed legged on my bed opposite me. Her eyes are red and puffy yet she has a bright smile on her face when she says "Morning Tobais," I look up and give her a dirty look which I know she doesn't deserve.

I don't like it when people call me Tobais. In fact it's more than a dislike, it's almost a hatred. I hid my identity for so long that once the protection of my name was revealed I felt empty. "My names Four," I say a little more harshly than I meant to. "What, like the number?" She replies. I know she is remembering her first day as an initiate and how she thought my name was funny.

I just turn around and wave her away with my hand. Thinking about her initiation class makes me sad again. I think about Tris. How she rebuilt her identity in Dauntless by calling herself Tris and not Beatrice. How she fought hard to get a place among the new members. How she was attacked by them and how I took her back to my apartment.

I kept her heart beating back then, who knows what they would have done to her, but I failed to keep it going this time. The best moment I can recall has to be one with her. Maybe it was when we where curled up and pressed against each other in the small box. Maybe it was our first kiss deep in the chasm. Maybe it was just before the final rankings were released. Maybe it was another time later on. I don't know but what I do know is that the best times of my life were spent mostly with her.

Later Christina returns. She is still happy and smiling and it annoys me. "How can you be happy?" I say "Your best friend is dead, doesn't that bother you?" I add. It breaks my heart to say the word dead but it slips out before I know how much pain it will cause me. She doesn't retort in the way a Candor or Dauntless would. She just turns on her heels and leaves.

I feel like maybe she knows something about Tris that I don't. Maybe I should pluck up the bravery to visit her body. I owe that to Tris after everything. I will go. After all I am dauntless, I am brave.

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