Chapter XVI: in which they snuggle

Start from the beginning


"Are you feeling dizzy? Urge to vomit? Tiredness or sleepy?"

"No, I was dizzy but now I just have the headache." I replied.

"Okay, I'm going to check your pupils." He took out a small flashlight from his lab coat. Dr. Philip turned it on and examined my eyes individually. "Follow my finger."

I did as told. The movement hurt the back of my eyes but apart from that there was nothing weird.

"Everything is okay. You just have a mild concussion. I'm going to give you a receipt for painkillers and just take it slow this weekend." He smiled kindly. I looked at him with dreamy eyes and his slight smirk told me that he knew I found him attractive.

Trevor cleared his throat. "We can go now?"

"Yes, you are free to leave." Dr. Philips pulled out a note pad from the chart and wrote something. "Here's your receipt for the medicine."

"Thank you." I smiled at the doctor and he walked away.

"Ready to go?" Trevor asked.

"Yes, I just want to check up on James." As emphasis I sneaked an arm past Trevor to pull the curtain. James was getting his hand in a cast.

Trevor rolled his eyes, sent a death glare to James and stormed off. "I'm getting the medical bill."

"You don't have to do that!" I shouted after him standing up from the bed, but he ignored me. James chuckled beside me.

"That guy has it bad." He commented.

"I know! He acts like my big brother, always over protective." I rolled my eyes getting nearer to his bed. I offered a small smile to the blond doctor that was working on his hand.

"That's not what I meant." He looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth. "He definitely does not see you as a little sister."

"Pff..." I try to wave off his comment. "We're basically family."

"I can see that you care for him and he'd go mad if something happened to you. He just did, and it was nothing too serious."

"He's always like that. Worrying about me all the time." I shrugged.

"Look... I don't know how to say this." He paused momentarily. "I had fun today, but I don't see us becoming anything more than friends."

Oh, okay.

"I wanted to kiss you because you're gorgeous and I wanted to see if I felt anything. I hope you don't hate me." He grimaced and tried to hide it with a smile.

"I don't hate you." How could I hate him if that's the exact same thing I was thinking? "I feel the same way. You're great and funny and I had a blast today. This date has definitely earned it place in the list of future anecdotes, but I only see you as a good friend and I hope we get to hang out more outside the classroom."

"I'd like that. Oh, Trevor's coming back." James gestured to something behind me. "Before he gets here I just want to tell you, as your friend, that that boy is losing it for you. You'd make a great couple."

I couldn't contradict him because I felt Trevor step up to us.

"We can go now." He said bitterly. He was in a mood again. I can't keep up with him.

"Okay." I looked at James. "You're going to be okay, right? Do you need a ride?"

"No, I'll be fine. Someone's going to come pick me up." He assured me. "Go home and rest. I can make it up to you next time."

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