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He's still staring at me. Even though I was unnerved by it, deep down, I kind of liked it. I was being noticed by a boy. Not to mention, he was pretty good looking. Wait. Maybe he's staring at me because he has heard the stories. God, I hope not. 





Shit. He's coming this way! What do I do? Act normal? No! That always ends up with me looking constipated. How? You may ask. Well, even I haven't been able to figure that out yet. He's smiling at me. Or is he trying not to laugh? Ugh. Now I know what my friend meant when she said boys won't be satisfied until they confuse the frickin' donuts out of you. 





What just happened? That guy came up to me, hugged me, and just walked away leaving me dumbfounded. I wasn't even able to ask what his name was. Though, the hug did feel nice. 





I don't feel good. It feels as if I might faint. Oh god, my head aches. No no no! They are coming back. Shit! I knew I should have attended those self-defense classes. Wait, I did attend them. Huh, time to show them what I'm made of.




I broke my hand. One of my ribs cracked. I've got this huge cut down my torso. Things didn't go well.


'Just Hold On'

-Steve Aoki and Louis Tomlinson.

It's Always Been UsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora