Chapter Nineteen.

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to hit me?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I would very much love to hit you," I answer.

Van moves so that he's facing me. "I'll let you beat the shit out of me if you forgive me and stop calling me Vance," he says.

Really? He would let me beat the shit out of him? "You would do that?" I ask confused.

He nods. "Yeah."

I take a deep breath. "I can't hit you."

"Really, because you sure went Hitty McHitterson on Kendall the other say," Van reminds me, taking a drink, then handing it to me.

I laugh taking another big drink. "Hitty McHitterson?" I question.

Van chuckles. "Why can't you hit me? Do you still have feelings for me Abby?"

Now he's teasing me, which is exactly why I didn't want to tell him that. I shouldn't have told him that. Admitting that you have feelings for somebody gives that person the power to dangle it over your head. Which is what Van is doing now.

"Yep, you caught me, I have feelings for a big dick-faced jerk," I reply sarcastically.

"And the alcohol brings out her true colors," he laughs, taking a drink, then passing the bottle to me.

"You're such a butthead," I say annoyed, taking a drink.

"Butthead? How creative," he takes the bottle back and gulps more down.

I snatch it back and take a long drink. "I'm more creative than you are, mister Hitty McHitterson," I throw at him, laughing.

"You know, you suck at being mad at me," Van says laughing.

"I can't be mad at you, it'll get in the way of my drinking."

Van stops laughing and so do I. I need to go back into hate-mode because I'm not giving in. I can't give in, if I do then that will just allow Van to keep doing what he was doing before. Which, I'm not really sure what he was doing, at the moment. My head is a little lost right now. My head feels like it's engulfed in pure bliss, making everything feeling great and stress-free.

I open my mouth to say something, but rain starts pouring from the dark sky, making ripples in the water, causing me stop.

Van stands up and holds out a hand to me, while gripping the bottle half full of whatever is in there. I push his hand away and stand up on my own.

"Really? Really? Here I am trying so fucking hard to get you to forgive me and you can't even-"

I cut him off before he can finish that sentence. "You started this, Vance! You didn't tell me anything!" I shout at him. Great, we're fighting, again.

Van looks down at the ground, kicking sand with his shoes. "You still don't get why I didn't tell you, that's what pisses me off. I didn't tell you about this for a reason. I told you it was because I didn't want to hurt you," he pauses. "But you know now, so why can't we just forget about this? You know what's going on, so how is staying mad at me helping any?" he asks.

Van's drunk, he's not supposed to be smart like this. "Because, it makes it easier to deal with, if I just blame it all on you," I answer quietly, while rubbing the sides of my arms, trying to create friction to get warm.

Van looks like he wants to say something, but he stops himself and simply says, "Come on, lets get out of the rain."

I follow behind Van, making sure to keep my distance. We sit on the top porch step and it gets really quiet for a while. I wonder what Van is thinking about? I wonder if it's Kendall he's thinking about. Does he miss her at all? I mean, he has to, right? Wait, why do I care if he misses Kendall?

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