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" You can't say that....(huff huff).. I believe I can this.....NOO!!" Layla yelled breathing heavily. "You idiot. You just had to go and choose something so stupid!!. Who do you think you are? Your just the weakling from before. The girl who can't speak for herself. The girl who is hated by her mum. You'll never be successful, you'll never be able to make something worthy of your own." Said another Layla with red eyes of hatred. Layla had been having nightmares since the party. She doubts herself. Unable to focus on anything due to the nightmares. "No I can do it this......(huff huff) I.....I can. you can't tell me who I am or what I can do!!!. Layla yelled suddenly waking up from sleep breathing heavily as sweat runs down her jaw. She takes a long shower and heads downstairs for breakfast.
Layla's Dad: Good morning hon.
Layla: Hi...hey Dad.
Layla's Dad: What's up with the mood.
Layla: ....n..nothing, it's nothing Dad I'm fine.
Layla's Dad: If you say so. Breakfast?
Layla: Oh thanks Dad.
Layla later on finished her breakfast and headed for school. She was quite the entire day. She constantly thought about the nightmares she was having. Whenever she would close her eyes she would see herself but with red angry eyes that stair at her with hatred. "Hi Layla." Andrew said handing Layla a French vanilla. "Oh. Hi Andrew" Layla replied making a fake bright smile. "Thanks for the coffee" Layla said. "So how is it going with the restaurant planning?" Andrew asked.
"To be honest not so well. I'm having difficulties." Layla said holding the coffee tighter. "Oh well that's what happens when you wanna start something new all of a sudden." Andrew blurted. "Well thanks Andrew I  totally didn't know that!" Layla said sounding irritated. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way" Andrew said. "It's alright. It's my fault, I snapped. I'm gonna leave now thanks for the coffee." Layla said. "Yeah. See you later. Andrew said.
"(Weep...weep...sob..sob) I can do this" Layla whispered to herself. "(BANG BANG!!) Layla hurry I gotta use the bathroom!!" Jaylen yelled. (Sob..sob) Layla rapidly wiped her eyes and open the door. "You were crying?" Jaylen asked. "" Layla replied. "Ok so don't even dare lie to me. What happened to you?
"I can't do it anymore. I quit. It's too much for me Jaylen" Layla said as she burst into tears. " no no you can't say that. This is something you love Layla. My sister never gives up." Jaylen said hugging Layla. "Jaylen you don't understand. I've been having nightmares all This time. It's me telling me how pathetic I am. How I'm weak and won't be successful. Jaylen it's me being a monster in the dream. It's like the part of me that finds  all the wrong in me and makes that who I am. It's confusing me. I can't do this anymore." Layla said crying as she tries to breathe. "So?" Jaylen said. "When mum tried to stop you from doing what you liked, did you cry? When your first crush rejected you, did you get nightmares? When your first best friend betrayed you, did you cry? You know what the answers are? It's no. My sister never wasted her time on things that didn't benefit her. That's one of the things I love about you Layla. So will you please stop with the crying and tell whoever the other Layla is to stay the fuck away from my sister ." Jaylen said sternly. "Hahahaha!! I can't believe you Jaylen. That's how you make me feel better?Why are you even my brother? Anyway thanks Jaylen, I love you." Layla said hugging Jaylen. She had finally laughed after a long time. She stayed up all night making a budget for the money she won. The next day Layla talked to her dad about buying land where the restaurant was gonna be built. Layla's Uncle, Uncle Robin came over to help Layla with her project. "Hey Layla" Robin said. "Uncle Robin!! I missed you so much" said Jaylen as he interrupted Layla. "Excuse me Jay he was talking to me. We'd you come from? Layla said. "It's ok Layla I have hugs for everyone." Robin said hugging Layla after Jaylen.
After a long day of Layla and her uncle putting stuff in order and having family reunions, Layla went outside at the balcony to think by herself. "Hey Layla" Said Robin. "Hey Uncle, what's up" Layla asked. "Nothing much, just checking on my favourite nephew. Don't tell Jaylen I said that." Robin blurted. " Don't worry I won't." Layla said with a huge smile. "So Layla real talk now" Robin said. "Oh no please don't do this?" Layla said. "Too late!! So Layla are you sure your ready for this?" Robin asked. "I have to be right? It's not always gonna be candy and roses for me. It gets harder. Life gets harder. You might not know that right away but all the stress and crying is all part of how hard it's getting. It doesn't matter how tough you think you are, life is your weakness. I have to learn to accept that and move on with my life no matter what. The people you love are either gonna support you or not. At this point it doesn't matter what they think. It's all about how you handle the difficulties." Layla said as a tear ran down her eye. "(Clap,clap,clap) when did you get all sentimental Layla? Damn I've been gone for a while" Robin said surprised. "I'm happy your growing up to be a fine young lady. I see so much potential in you and I hope you use it well. I'll be with you every step of the way. Your a very admirable and inspirational person." Robin said. "No uncle. I'm working towards those things. I had nightmares about me being a monster and that broke me. I became confused and started to doubt myself until Jaylen helped me." Layla said laying her head on her left arm. "That's a good thing. It means you have people who know you enough to help you when you need it." Robin said patting her head.
Layla went to bed that night with a happy mind set for success. The next day when she woke up she headed down for breakfast. "Hey honey" Her Dad said. "Morning!!" Robin yelled. "Why aren't you ready for school? Her mum said. "Morning every." Layla said as she sat down. "No school today Layla?" Jaylen asked. "No, we do have school today. But I'm not going. I made a new decision, I'm dropping out."

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