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"Finally down to our two contestants. who will win the money? Before we get back to the show we would like ask our two contestants a few questions. One: what would you do with the money if you win this competition? we'll start with you David." The host said pointing her hand at David. "If I win this competition, it will help me greatly with my family. I'm winning this to give my daughter a better education and a better life than I had." David said as tears ran down his cheek. "Layla what about you? what will you do with the money if you win?" The host turn to ask Layla. "......... I really haven't thought of it much, but I really wanna send some of it to a country in Africa called Cameroon so they can build a knew school. I don't know what to do with the rest." Layla said. "If I may ask why haven't you been thinking about it?" one if the judges asked in a surprised tone. "Well because when I'm focused on something I don't like to get distracted thinking really hard about that during a competition. It turns to make me go of task." Layla said. Layla felt a little stressed after the questions because she thought that it could reduce her chances of winning. She constantly panicked whenever she thought of her loosing.
"Alright, Alright!!! Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to the chef wars competition. Let's welcome back are judges Elizabeth Gorden, Thomas Fontane, Marco Lizy and me your host Nicole Halen.  Also welcome back our two finalist Layla Harper and David Griffin." Nicole said. "Ok, so for this competition, it's a free choice. You can choose what meal you want to make from a particular country and we are going to get people who are from that country to taste it and give feedback. The judges will taste as well and who ever has the best wins." Nicole explained. "So guys make sure to give it your all and remember try not to get distracted." Judge Elizabeth said to them loud and clear. "You only get four hours to set a meal ready on the table for seven people." Nicole explained again. "Your time starts in.....three, two, one...GO!!!!" Nicole yelled as both contestants rushed to their places. Layla grabbed the iPad from the table, opened google and typed in "African meals". (Click) she opened images and started scrolling up rapidly. "Oh, this is the one I had in that African restaurant we went to." Layla whispered to herself. She walked to refrigerator, grabbed meat and slammed it on the chopping board. As she started cutting the meat, she stopped to check her iPad. After reading the recipe one more time, she opened the cupboards and took out salt, chicken seasoning, garlic, onions, paprika, tomatoes and pepper powder. She finished cutting the meat and put it all in a bowl. She took of her plastic gloves off and put them the garbage. David looked at her with a death stare as she walked to the cupboards on the left. Layla grabbed a container full of white rice and put on the table. She opened the rice boiler and put it in. She added a bit of water and salt, closed it and pressed cook. Layla went back to continue with the meat. She put on gloves, took the salt and put some in the meat. When she finished putting all the spice in the meat, she grabbed sticks from the drawer and started putting the meat on them. Three pieces of meat for each stick. When she finished, she put it in the oven and waited for it to grill. She grabbed a knife and some ripe plantains and started peeling them. She put some peanut oil in a frying pan and turned it on. The cooker was set on high. She finished peeling all the plantains and sliced them into thin, round pieces. Gently, she put one piece at a time into the hot peanut oil on the cooker. She fried all the sliced plantain and headed to check the meat. The meat she put in the oven was ready. The meat was boiled before put in the oven so it didn't take long for it to grill a little, which means the sticks didn't burn. Layla then began with the rice. She put water in a pot and put on the cooker. She added some oil, sliced onions, sliced tomatoes, spinach, salt and broccoli. She let it all boil for about twenty minutes. After putting all the ingredients in the stew she was making, she put the boiled rice into the stew. Swiftly she steered the stew and the rice together for it to mix well. "Five, four, three, two, one. Stop!! Your time is up." Nicole yelled. "May I please have both contestants step to the front please?" Nicole asked. "So Layla, you said you where making African food so we brought three African cooks who will help judge you today. And for David, you where making a meal from Belgium so we brought three Cooks from Belgium to help us judge as well." Judge Thomas explained. "We'll start with David. David can you please tell us what you made?"
" I made a meal that's really popular in Belgium. It's called Carbonnade Flamande. First I boiled the meat. I then I put different spices and some water to make it thick. After I finish with main dish, I started making some fries. I sliced the potatoes in a thin rectangular shape. I put some vegetable oil in a frying pan and started frying the sliced potatoes until I finished. In conclusion, I wanted to make my dish more colourful so sliced carrots into to thin slices and sprinkled it on my final dish." David explained nervously. "Wow, that sounds good" Nicole said. "I'll ask the judges to proceed with the tasting."
"Now time for Layla. Layla what have you got for us?" Nicole asked. "I made and African meal I had at a party I went to at my friends house. It doesn't have an overall name but her Mum said it's popular at African parties. First I cut the meat into tiny pieces then spiced it while it was raw. I put the meat on sticks and put it in the oven to get grilled. Then I took some ripe plantains and sliced them into thin pieces so I could fry it. After that I made stew, boiled rice and mix the two together to make African fried rice." Layla explained. "Layla, if I may ask what are the grilled meat on sticks called?" Judge Marco asked. "In Africa they call it beef Suya. The fried plantain is fried plantains and the fried rice is Jollof of rice." Layla answered. "Ok time for the judges to taste." Nicole ordered. At this moment both competitors where really nervous. Layla closed her eyes for two seconds and she opened quickly as if an idea just came to mind. "Restaurant" she whispered. "Alright ladies and gentlemen the judges and guest have decided. The winner of the chef wars competition two-thousand and eighteen is................

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