11. Love Poem and Training/Mental Illness

Start from the beginning

That was the only good thing about reincarnation, Carter guessed. He got to fall in love with her over and over again. So, he never forgot why he loved her so much.

In the heat of the moment, Carter leaned forward to kiss her, forgetting that they hadn't yet done so in this life. She had just regained all of her memories, and he hadn't wanted to rush her into anything. So, they had remained abstinent. He pulled away quickly, as he remembered that fact. "I...uh...sorry," he mumbled.

Kendra shook her head. "No," she said quietly. "It's...fine" She looked at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes of hers, smiling softly.

"Right," he nodded, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Well, uh, let's try this again... You know what to do."

She closed her eyes once more, breathing slowly. He watched, wondering how a person could wear so many faces but be so beautiful in all of them. Quietly, he repeated the phrase from a few moments ago, shoving the thought to the back of his mind.

"And though my soul departs the earth," Kendra muttered, her eyes still closed, "I count my days till my rebirth. I will wait across eternity for my love to come back to me." She opened her eyes again, looking at him. He stared back, vaguely remembering those words from somewhere...

"The knife," Kendra said. "You gave it to me. And the inscription... It's a poem -- a love poem, which promises..." She trailed off.

It was strange. Those words sounded more like a prophecy foreshadowing their never ending lives. "Promises what?" Carter asked, though he was sure he already knew.

"That we'd be together forever," Kendra said softly.

For a second they didn't say anything else. They stood, looking in to each others eyes like one of those cheesy romance movies. (She had always hated them, but he'd always secretly enjoyed them.) She stepped forward, closing the gap between them, before leaning in and gently kissing him.

It was their four thousandth first kiss, but the sparks still flew. He felt like a teenager all over again, his body and mind exploding with hormones and emotions he couldn't quite understand. He kissed her back, but it never went further than that. Partly because he didn't want to rush her into anything else, partly because they were interrupted seconds after their lips touched.

Sara came skipping into the bridge, looking like she was up to no good. "Hey, have you seen my -- Oh." She stopped abruptly, when she spotted the two. The hawks quickly jumped away, blushing like school kids.

The blonde smirked teasingly. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No," Kendra said, awkwardly scratching the back of her head. "We were just, um, working on the inscription...Did you need something?"

Sara snapped her fingers and pointed at her. "Right," she said. "Yes. I was looking for my knives."

Carter nodded to a bag sitting by the chair Sara had been sitting in earlier. "Is that them?"

"Ah, yeah. Thanks." Sara walked over and swung the bag over her shoulders. She started out the door again, before Kendra stopped her.

"What did you need them for?" she asked.

"In the League of Assassins, when we have an uncooperative rookie we resort to deadly measures," Sara said, nodding at the bag.

"You're going to throw them at Dez?" Kendra frowned. "Isn't that dangerous?"

Sara rolled her eyes, scoffing. "Please. Five years on Lian Yu was dangerous. This is child's play."

Kendra stared at her, a little worried. "I don't think assassins and children are exactly the same thing."

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