1.7 Changed (Interactive)

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Chapter 1.7: Changed 


You felt dampness.


Now you feel wetness.

You wake up.

"It was a dream!" You say, relieved.

You try to get to sleep, but you're already half awake anyways, so you yawn and stretch.

...All of the sudden the wetness comes back. You feel it again.

You look down afraid of what you're gonna see...

You confirm your fear, It wasn't a dream and you're wearing a yellow stained diaper... that can only mean one thing...

It wasn't a dream, not only you've agreed to be Nikki's baby for roughly two months but, most embarrasingly, you were on a diaper... and you've peed on it!

Pee felt warm, you didn't know if it was because of the embarrassment you were feeling, or not... but you were glad the diaper absorbed a whole lot of liquid.

You feel something else when you turned around... it felt wet too... but it wasn't coming from the front of your diaper.

The sole thought of you messing yourself while sleeping was the most terrifying thing it ever crossed your mind.

You were trying to check that by putting a hand back... there when you feel a voice.

It was Nikk- ... Mommy's.

M: "Is my baby up?" She asked then she laughed.... "Phew, what' s that smell?  Did my baby boy go poopy?"

You were just starting to feel the smell...

"It's okay, baby. There was no way you could hold everything you had inside you after the enema"

You remember the enema... 

"That was it!" You thought, trying to convince yourself. 

"There's no way I would have this accident if I hadn't had that enema" You think...

You decided you were going with blaming the enema...

Mommy interrupted your train of thought...

"Let's get you changed"

"Lay down on the changing table, hon."

You move and feel all the liquids... front and back moving with you...

You blush as your butt squished everything when place yourself on the changing table.

The second she opens the diaper the stench comes back...

"Phew, tinky baby" she cooed while grabbing a pair of wet towels...

You feel the cold of the towers as the clean you. You shiver a little...

"Hold still, baby" Mommy says as she finishes cleaning your front part...

"Lift up your bum and legs, hon" She orders

You comply trying not to make a mess... again...

"This is called the "Diaper position" baby, everytime mommy changes your diaper you need to assume the position, okay?"

You nod

"It's also good for dishing out spankings" She laughs....

You keep quiet, not wanting to know if that's true... A momentary moment of silent follows.

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