Chapter 49

Start from the beginning

The second thing was Alex, my twin sister. Where is she? Is she alright? I haven't "telepathically" spoken with her even since I've woken up from my coma. I've tried to communicate with her in my sleep, but I keep forgetting it only works when the both of us are slumbering at the same time.

The third and final thing that's been on my mind was the black USB drive Ada had given me on my birthday. I haven't had any time at all to myself to check out what could've been stored within the hard drive. But now that I'm all alone with nothing else better to do, I can now actually see if Ada left anything important behind in the hard drive.

"It will come in handy later..." Her words echoed throughout my mind.

With my mind made up, I placed my bookmark within my book, closing it and setting it on top of the other end table next to my bed. I leaned over the side of my mattress, pulling out my laptop from underneath my bed and opening it up. As soon as I turned it on and entered my password, I inserted the head of the hard drive into the USB port of my laptop, prompting a folder icon titled "Background Information & Research" to appear on the computer screen.

I clicked on the folder, opening it up a separate tab containing a vast variety of digital documents and audio recordings on my laptop. From research notes and lab reports, to personal profiles, classified articles, and mission reports.

As I scrolled through the colossal list of files, my fingers froze, no longer moving along the keys on my keyboard. My vibrant blue eyes landed on one file in particular, one recording that had greatly peeked my interest:

Wesker's Report

'Maybe I'll finally find some answers about my father's past after all. Something, anything that would help me understand why Dad acts the way he does.' I thought to myself, clicking on it. Upon doing so, another tab opened up on the screen, revealing five different parts to whole recording. I selected the first audio recording labeled "Part 1 – Experiment," resulting in a separate tab to open up and play the audio recording.

"July 31, 1978. The first time I visited that place, it was the summer of my eighteenth year. That makes it about twenty years ago. As I got off the helicopter, I remember the sight of the swirling wind the helicopter blades whipped into the air. When viewed from above, the old mansion seemed quite normal, but when seen from the ground, there was something foreboding and unapproachable about it. Birkin, my junior by two years, seemed as usual to be only concerned with a document he was holding. We were assigned to the mansion two days earlier, on the day that the executive training center we had belonged to was closed. It all seemed like it was planned, too much of a coincidence, but probably the only person who knew the real truth was Spencer. Spencer was one of the main guys in charge of America's T-Virus research at the Arklay research facility—" I paused the recording, taking a deep breath.

There's more to these recordings that meets the eye, that's for sure. Even so, I couldn't help but feel a tad bit frustrated over that. I let out a vexed sigh, massaging the sides of my temple with my forefingers in an attempt to calm myself. I've only listened to the narration for less than two minutes and now I have many more questions than answers about my father's origin. One question after another raced through my head, plaguing my very thoughts as if a mental epidemic was spreading all throughout every corner and crevice of my mind.

'Who did my father used to work for? Was it the Umbrella Corporation? What about his colleague, Birkin? Is he somehow related to Sherry since they both have the same last name or is it just a coincidence? What happened to him? And then there's Spencer, who the hell was he? What role did he play in all of this? There's only one way to find out.' I thought to myself.

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