"And then there was this one time that we had a babysitter who had no clue on what she was doing. I only hired her for the night as a favor to someone from my book club that failed to warn me on what a terrible sitter she was-" She starts to ramble again, and I take a slight step backward.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not feeling too well, I would love to finish this conversation sometime over coffee maybe?" I interject, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she's disappointed, but she smiles politely.

"Of course! I'll have Robert get your number from Hayes, and we'll set something up. I hope you feel better dear."

I feel the fake smile take over on my face, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

I make my way towards Hayes, who spots me right away, and I can see how his smile subtly brightens, "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but can I steal my fiancé for a second?" I ask the man who I'm presuming is married to that dreadful woman.

"I'll go get myself another drink. Take all the time you need." He offers, and I smile gratefully.

"I hate calling you my fiancé still," I murmur to Hayes, who is quick to reassure me.

"It's only for a few more days until we can get ahold of your parents and my dad, and then we can scream it from the rooftops."

"Yeah, you're right. That man's wife is a horrible person," I cringe, and a laugh escapes from his mouth.

"Agreed, normally he doesn't bring her to these kinds of things because even he can't stand her."

I cringe at the thought of meeting up with her again, "Promise me we'll never end up like them?"

He nods, searching my face. "I already made that promise four days ago, but we'll never be like them anyway because I love you too damn much."

"Thank you."

I play with his tie making sure that it's straight, and Hayes tilts my chin up so that I look at him. "Is there something else?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little queasy, so I think I'm going to head home if that's okay?"

I can see the concern wash over his face, "Yeah, of course, we can get going right after I talk to Robert about one more thing-"

I chuckle lightly, "Hayes, I can just take a cab home. You should stay and finish talking to the other people you need to see." He doesn't want to, and I can tell that even without him saying anything. "You should stay, I'll be fine, I promise."

He hesitates before agreeing, "Only if you take Louis, I'll take the cab home."

Thank god because if he tried to come with me, the whole surprise would have been ruined. "If you're sure?"

"Yeah, now go before I change my mind," He teases, and I step on my tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks, Benson. I'll see you at home," I stifle my laugh seeing the faint imprint of lipstick on his cheek, but I don't make a move to rub it off. It can be my payback for him distracting me while I tried to get ready earlier.

I somehow manage to slip out without getting coerced into any more conversations with my coat draped over my shoulders as I clutch my phone and wallet in my hands while I wait for Louis to pick me up at the front of the building.

"Can you take me to the store we were at yesterday that's a block from home? I'm sorry, Louis, but I forgot the name of it."

Louis smiles at me through the glass window "No worries Ms. Montgomery, I know which one you're talking about."

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