"Lex, c'mon!" he said, and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him back inside, where I was able to come back to my senses

"What do you want to do?" asked Stoick to Valka once I came in.

"We have to save the dragons" said Valka without hesitation, placing a hand on both of our shoulders.

"Aye, you got it" said the chief, and then turned to look at us "C'mon"

Hiccup, Gobber, Stoick and I hopped on our dragons and we went off, while Valka stayed behind to prepare Cloudjumper and herself. Once outside, Gobber and Stoick separated from us, but I stayed with Hiccup, narrowing my eyes while trying to see our friends. Finally, in the distance, I could make up Stormfly's silhouette.

"There" I pointed out, Hiccup followed my gaze, and we caught up with Astrid and...Eret?! What on earth?!

"Welcome aboard, dragon rider!" greeted Hiccup lifting up his helmet, but I didn't say anything. Mostly because I didn't trust him all that much, I wasn't like Hiccup when it came to trust, he could easily give the benefit of the doubt, but I couldn't. I'm not saying that I don't trust people easily, I'm just saying...Actually, that is exactly what I'm saying. I don't trust people easily, it's hard for me to give second chances, especially to people like him, who hurt the dragons so much, but, for Hiccup's sake, I would try.

I didn't say I was going to succeed, I said I would try. Have that in mind.

"Thanks! I think..." he said, giving him a unsure glance.

"Where have you been?" she said, looking at both of us. I looked at Hiccup smiling

"Oh, you know..." he said this while smiling back at me, and then turned to look at Astrid "Just catching up with mom" he looked up towards his mother, who was standing on Cloudjumper raising her staff, while the great Bewilderbeast came out from behind her and roared. Astrid followed his gaze, and her face was priceless, though I was pretty sure I had the same face when I first met Valka.

"That's your mother?!" asked Astrid in the same tone I had hours before.

"Welcome to the club" I said, and I rushed forward to fight Drago's army, meeting the rest of the riders on my way.

"Lexi!" said Fishlegs "It's good to see you again!" I smiled happily and nodded.

"You too"

"How was the holiday?" asked Ruffnut.

"I was only gone two hours" I replied logically, raising my eyebrow.

"Anything can happen in two hours"

"Well, let's see..." I frowned and tried to remember everything that had happened in the last couple of hours "I met more than a hundred new species of a dragons, Thunderlight ate fish, I free-fell for like the twentieth time in my entire life, I could witness amazing drawing skills, I discovered new things about dragons, I danced....Oh, and I met Hiccup's mother" I summed up.

"See? Anything" he said, making a gesture with his hands, and I giggled when I saw his face as the last statement sunk in "Wait, what?!" I motioned towards Valka with her staff and the mask.

"Well, that looks creepy" said Snotlout, and I chuckled again, before flying forward to free some more dragons. I managed to see Hiccup and Toothless doing the same thing I did, and smiled happily, but it faded when I saw that a net was thrown towards Valka's and Cloudjumper's direction, trapping them and making them fall in front of a man.

I could finally see the lunatic and creepy Drago Bludvist.

And he was exactly as I had imagined him to be.

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