Perfectly fine

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Shawn's POV

It's been a week adter Thanksgiving and Sidney has been staying in my room every night. There have been times when she woke up screaming or crying. I'm starting to worry about her.


"Yes Shawn?"

"We need to talk."

"Okay. What is it about?"

"I just have a couple questions for you."

She nodded and moved over and patted the spot beside her. I closed and locked tge door so no one can interrupt this conversation since I'm worried about my princess.

"Do you mind telling me why you wake up screaming or crying?"

"It's nothing."

"Please princess. I'm worried about you. I just want to make sure you're okay."

She sighed and laid her head on my chest.

"Please don't get mad."

"I won't. I promise."

"I didn't know what to do but, about a week ago I got a strange text from someone. He said something about me being with you is wrong and that I should be with him. I didn't think much of it since some of my friends have gotten a text from a person at school as a prank. But I got another text like it a couple days ago and I got scared. The reason I wale up screaming or crying is cause of the dreams. It's either you getting hurt or someone actually taking me from you. I'm super scared Shawn."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me. She wrapped her arms around me and places her head in my neck. My grip tightened and I kissed her temple.

"Can I have your phone?"


"So we can track down who is doing this to you. I don't like seeing you this way."

She nodded and handed me her phone. I smiled and pulled her up and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me.

"Let's go find this jackass."

She giggled and nodded her head. I started walking through the house until I got to our computer room. I found our best tracker and walked up to him.

"Oh hey Shawn. How can I help you?"

"Some guy is trying to steal my girl from me. I want you track the person who sent the last two texts that said that."

"Got it. I should have it done in a couple hours. I'll call you when I finish."

"Okay. Thanks Carl."


I led Sidney downstairs and to the kitchen to get us something to eat. She sat at the island playing a game on my phone. I smiled and started working on making some mac and cheese with chicken nuggets. It's her favorite thing to eat, don't ask me how cause I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

"Chef Shawn? I haven't seen this in a while."

"Shut up Dave."

"What's cooking Chef Shawn?"

"Nothing for you that's for sure."

"Ouch. Who is the special person that gets the food?"



"Yes Dave."

"Can I have some?"

"It depends on what he's making."

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