Chapter 32- Opera

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Tom comes into the bathroom and removes his shirt, letting out a content sigh. I finish brushing my teeth and rinse my mouth, staring at him like he's a madman as he starts to undress. "What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm taking a shower after a long day," he explains. Now, with only his boxers on, he turns on the water to let it heat up. "Would you like to join me?"

I hesitate for a moment, staring at him still. "I don't think I should."

"Listen, I'm truly sorry about Sophie, okay?" He says, moving closer to me. His hands go to my shoulders. "There's nothing I can do, she's in this same hotel as us, and she'll stay with us for a few days. I'm sorry, love."

"It's okay, Tom. Really, it is. She seems nice."

"Oh, so you liked her emotional breakdown?" He asks with a grin.

My jaw drops slighty, and I playfully smack his chest. "Don't make fun of a girl when she cries, Thomas."

"It's an act, Cass. She used to do it with me all of the time. I can tell the difference between her fake crying and her real crying."

I let out a small breath of relief, happy to hear my words didn't actually make her upset.

I look at the hot water still running in the glass-surrounded shower, now making the walls quite steamy.

"Your shower is still running, Tom," I remind him.

He smiles, and I feel his lips against my neck, right under my ear. "Because I'm still waiting for you to undress."

I laugh lightly, playfully pushing him away. "Alright, TW, alright. I'll meet you in there."

Tom takes off his boxers just as I slip off my pants and socks. Then he does something that surprises me. Grabbing me by my waist, he pulls me into the shower with my clothes still on. He kisses me roughly, his hands already sliding up my soaked shirt. I knew I'd soon be un-clothed.

I didn't care, though. He didn't care. Who was there to care?


"Who even watches opera anymore?" Sophie asks.

"Well we do," I mutter. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

She'd better make up her mind soon, though, because we're almost out to Tom's car. I would actually be much happier if it were just Tom and I. But the overly kind British man, whom turns into quite the dirty devil at night, let her tag along.

She shrugs lightly, tossing her long hair over her shoulders. When she first heard we were going to an opera, I suppose she immediately thought to dress classy. She was wearing a long, slim black dress, with an incredibly low back. Her hair was wavy, and all out to one side.

I guess I never got the memo about going fancy, though. I had nice jeans and a beige cardigan on when I saw Tom fixing a tie around his neck. The tie I bought him. It was slightly off, though, so I went up to him and began to straighten it.

"Is that what you're wearing?" He asked gently, though he seemed surprised.

"Well it's what I was going to wear," I explained. "But I'm about to change."

"Into what?"

"Into a dress, I suppose, Mr. Nosy."

He laughed lightly, and took my hands in his.

So here we are now, piling into Tom's car. I opted for a dress that went just to my knees. The top half was red, strapless, and ended under my breasts. The rest of the dress, the skirt part, lightly hugged my curves, and was black. I think I look nice. But I look nothing like Sophie, that's for sure. I hadn't even bothered to put on any jewelry, not that I brought too many choices.

Sophie gets in the backseat of the convertible, the top up, so Tom and I were alone for just seconds.

"Am I underdressed?" I ask lightly, looking down at my outfit. "I didn't exactly pack many heels, or any jewelry."

"You look wonderful," he insists, sounding quite sincere. "I'll buy you a new dress, a nice necklace, even, as soon as possible."

I roll my eyes. "Now you're taking it too far."

I climb inside of the car, actually surprised I still get to sit on the front.

Tom gets in on the driver's side, a happy grin on his face. "Are we all ready?"

"Yes!" Sophie answers, smiling brightly.

"Yup," I answer.

I guess I should be more enthusiastic. I'm the one who wanted to go to this thing.

The show was pretty good. I've never really gone to one of these things before, but it was nice. The tickets were rather cheap, just twelve dollars. It wasn't bad quality, either. Despite having Sophie there, I actually enjoy myself.

After the opera, we all grab a quick late lunch, and then we're back to the hotel. Tom doesn't stay there long, though.

"I must go out. I'll be back in a bit," he says right after changing into more casual clothes.

I changed into casual clothes as well, and was ready for a nice nap.

"Go?" I ask, propping myself up on my elbows to look at him. "Where?"

"To a shop," he exclaims. "I won't be long, I promise."

I nod slowly. "Okay... See you soon."

I wasn't sure what he could possibly do in town that he couldn't do while Sophie and I were with him. It's something he obviously wants to do alone.

But before he leaves, he proves me wrong.

"Oh, Sophie is coming with me, by the way."

I sit up all the way then, staring at him. "What? Why?"

Maybe it's because I'm so lazy, and no fun at all. Whenever we got back from doing something, I'd nap. I'd eat some good. Never exercise. But Sophie seemed like fun. I bet she and Tom were always on the move when they were dating.

I'm just still having a hard time figuring out why he doesn't have many negative feelings towards her. What she did was far worse than what Henry did to me, and I still hate Henry's guts.

"Yeah, she's coming with me. We're just picking up a few items."

"And why can't I come?" I ask, slightly offended he hadn't even asked if I wanted to.

"Because," he answers, a small smile on his face. "I want you to relax."

It wasn't exactly a good reason, in my opinion, but I wasn't about to get angry at him or anything. I try not to be clingy or demanding.

"You can trust me, darling," he assures me.

"I know I can," I answer easily. "But her, I'm not so sure."

He smiles at me. "All you need to do is trust me, though. I have enough self-control to not do anything with my ex who cheated on me." He opens the door. "I love you."

I hesitate before replying. We've been throwing those words around a lot lately, and I begin to wonder if we actually mean them or not.

"Love you, too," I finally answer.

And then he leaves.

Twelve Red Roses (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ