I can’t help but laugh out loud. “Tell Irena that I received her message and that I do not intend on hurting her brother. But if she tries anything with me, I can take her. And I’m sure my brothers won’t be happy with her. Now scram!”

I release him from my power and he makes a move to run off but I grab hold onto him again. Swiftly, I’m in front of his face and my hand reaches towards his chest and I rip out his heart.

“Too bad you won’t be able to deliver the message back to dear Irena.”


“Where have you been?” Sebastian inquires when I make my way back into the club. The music is still pounding but it is well into the night now and a large number of people had already cleared out since it was a week day. It had taken me some time to clean up and dispose of the dead body but it was done.

“Some asshole thought he could try something with me but I taught him a lesson.”

“You’re bleeding.” Sebastian acknowledges.

I shrug. “Not my blood, not my problem.”

Sebastian just laughs. “Have you had enough partying yet? Want to head back to Mystic Falls.”

I nod my head in response. “But you’re the one who’s driving.”


I woke up the next morning without a single clue on how I got there. Then I look over beside me to see Sebastian passed out. I let out a ear splitting screech and he quickly jumped up.

“Are the wolf’s coming?!” he shouted in alarm before blinking and looking around at his surroundings. And he notices me and glares. “Why did you scream?”

“What were you doing in my bed?”

“You fell asleep in the car ride back and I carried you in. I was too lazy to leave so I crashed in your room. Don’t worry,” he smirks. “We didn’t do anything inappropriate.”

“You being in my bed is inappropriate enough,” I mutter. “But wow, that was awfully kind of you.”

Sebastian flashes me a quick grin. “I’m known to be kind once in a while.”

I got ready for the day by throwing on a short black skirt and a red top, and then I did up the laces for my combat boots. Sebastian watches me the whole time while I’m changing and I glare at him.

“Do you mind?”

“Just appreciating the view.”

I groan at his lame comment and proceed to go downstairs, where I find Stefan and Damon lounging casually in the living room. The both look up when I walk in and I see Damon’s eyes check out my body. He smirks.

“You’re looking good today.”

“Shut up Damon.”

“The personality is still the same. Awful.”

“Why don’t you both shut up?” Stefan glares at the two of us before turning to me. “Damon told me something yesterday that I didn’t know.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Which is…?”

“Katherine is alive.”

I want to open my mouth to speak but I didn’t know if the Salvatore brothers knew as much as I did and I didn’t want to crush their hopes in anything. They shouldn’t have gotten involved with Katherine Pierce in the first place. That girl was more trouble than she was worth and quite frankly, I had seen her enough for a lifetime.

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