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Uraraka looked herself over in the mirror. She bit her lip hoping she looked presentable. She wore a light pink dress from Mina's wardrobe, with a pair of pink flats. Her hair was curled by Momo, Toru helped with her make-up and she wore a necklace gifted to her from Jiro for the occasion.
"Are you sure I look okay?" Uraraka asked the girls as she turned again, allowing the pleats of the dress to twirl around her thighs softly. It hugged her nicely around her waist and flared out at her hips, it was just a little tight around the breast area, but with a few alterations done by Momo, it fit better. The straps were thin and rested on her shoulders softly, the colour of the dress accentuated that of her cheeks.
"Are you kidding? You look amazing!" Mina said excitedly. She felt her cheeks heat up as her friends agreed. Momo, Jiro, Toru, and Tsyuu all nodded, mumbling compliments at her.
"Midoriya is going to be blown away by you!" Momo smiled.
"Thank you, guys! I really appreciate you all coming to help me out," Uraraka blushed, placing her palm on her cheek and looking away bashfully.
"You don't have to thank us, we're your friends, and we'll come no matter what!" Toru piped up, she had a smile dancing in her voice.
"I agree, ribbit," Tsyuu placed her finger on her chin instinctively. Occhaco felt the pink dust her cheeks again as she looked at her friends in her room, they were all so supportive when she told them about her date with Deku, and all offered to help her get ready. They spent the whole morning fussing over her, offering their own clothes, Momo offering to make her a dress herself, Jiro offering up accessories for her to wear, Mina offering dresses and Toru helping with her makeup, ironically. All the girls chipped in somehow, Tsyuu being the one to be moral support from word go.
"What time is it?" Toru piped up suddenly. They all grabbed their phones in unison.
"Oh crap! You're going to be late!" Mina half shouts. "Get out there!" She dropped her phone and grabbed the brunette by the shoulders and turned her to the door and shoved her out, "Bye!" she yelled as she closed the door. Uraraka tripped over her own feet and landed smack bang into a hard surface. The surface grunted upon impact and Ochaco pushed herself off.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" she apologised as she looked up. A pair of crimson eyes peered down at her. She recognised those eyes. She took in the rest of his features and realised that she'd fallen into Bakugou.
"Yeah, well, watch where you're going freak!" He spat. She saw his eyes sweep down her form and back up to her eyes. "What's the occasion?" he huffed.
"Uh what?" she blurted out unintentionally, her face boiling once she realised what she had said.
"What? Can't I ask?" He scoffed, "It's not like I care, I just wondered if you were planning on looking good to just run into random classmates for fun." he teased, looking away.
"You think I look nice?" she asked softly her face flushing again.
"Yeah so?" he huffed awkwardly, pink dusting his cheeks.
"To answer your earlier question, I'm going on a date," she blushed, she turned her head. She looked up and he was eyeing her, an eyebrow cocked.
"With who?" he said, blushing again.
"With Deku," she said and he growled.
"Of course you are... Fucking Deku," he mumbled.
"Bakugou-" she started.
"Enjoy it, pink cheeks," he interrupted and turned back to the opposite direction, not saying another word. She looked puzzled and walked to the elevator, shrugging it off. She couldn't stand there and try to decipher why he was in a mood, she didn't have the time. She left the dorm in a hurry and exited the school gates, walking to the spot he said to meet. She saw him standing there looking at his phone nervously, he had obviously waiting for her.

"Deku!" she said waving a hand at him as she walked closer. He looked up and his jaw dropped at the sight of her.
"Uraraka, you-" he said when she reached him, "you look stunning!" he smiled a blush forming on their faces.
"Thank you, Deku," she said shyly. She didn't know what else to say. She looked him over and saw he wore a pair of jeans, his usual red shoes and a grey shirt that said "シャツ". She smiled at it, his hair was messy but it looked cute. "You look great too Deku, love the shirt." she giggled and he looked down at it, realising what it said and chuckled.
"I don't know where my mom got these, but I have a million of them with different kanji on them, I like them," he laughed and they stood there giggling at his ridiculous shirt.
"So where are we going today?" she smiled.
"I thought we could go to an amusement park for the day and then I take you for dinner, lunch is on me too," he smiled.
"Sounds great!" she smiled, "let's go!" she giggled and he lead the way. They walked to the amusement park and bought their tickets. She looked around at all the children, pupped on sugar and their parents, running around the park. Groups of teens walking around, couples on dates sharing various food items, all kinds of people with all kinds of quirks. She smiled at the atmosphere, and the sun bore down on them as they walked.

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