01; brilliant brain, brilliant name

Start from the beginning

"Nearly." Grace praised, but Ryan wasn't as pleased.

"No, not nearly. I'm sick of coming up here, I'm sick of falling, and I'm sick of this stupid bike." He fumed, picking up the bike and storming to the edge of the steep hill edge.

"Ryan Sinclair, don't you dare!" Grace shouted. Ryan didn't listen and threw the bike over the cliff edge. They watched as it fell into the woods below, hitting branches on the way down.

Ryan walked away and sat down on some rocks overlooking the city. Penelope, Grace and Graham shared a look before joining him.

"Mate, you rode it for a second." Graham voiced, trying to cheer him up.

"Can you stop calling me mate?" Ryan asked, causing Grace to lightly smack him on the shoulder. "Anyway, a second's not enough."

"It's a start, Ryan." Penelope smiled, she didn't want him to give up so easily. She knew he was capable of doing it, he just needed more practice. It's how she did it, and she was from an alien planet.

"You'll do it, if you keep on trying." Grace urged.

"I just want to make you proud." Ryan admitted, looking down at his hands.

"You make me proud every day." The grandmother smiled, rubbing the boy's shoulder in assurance. From the look on her face, Penny could tell that Grace loved her grandson with all her heart.

"Anyway, you're on your own getting that bike, cos our train leaves in twenty minutes. Come on, love." Graham said before standing up carefully and helping up his wife. He then looked at his 'daughter', "You coming, Penny?" 

Penelope nodded, jumping up from where she was sat, brushing off non-existent dirt from her clothes. "Yeah, but I have just one question."

"Go on, love."

"Does anyone else have the urge to roll down this hill?" She asked, causing the two grandparents to laugh as they walked back up the hill.

 ✦ ✦ ✦ 

Luckily, they had made it to the train on time with a few minutes to spare. Penelope felt bad about leaving Ryan by alone, but she knew from experience that he could handle himself.

"The next station is Grindleford."

"Do you ever think he's going to call me Grandad?" Graham asked his wife, a worried look on his face.

"Give him time." Grace advised, wrapped around his arm as she cuddled next to him. Penny swore they were still in the honeymoon stage of their relationship with all their hugging and dotingness towards one another. She wanted something like that, but it wasn't possible for her. Anoulians only ever got one chance at love and they were most likely dead.

"Three years we've been married."

"And you've never been happier!" Grace exclaimed, kissing Graham. She spotted a lad with the earbuds in across the aisle, the only person other than Penelope in the carriage. "Can't keep his hands off me, love." 

"Gross." Penny jokingly said as she looked up from her book across from them on the opposite seats.

"You'll meet someone soon, Penny. And then you'll be just like us, I promise." Grace grinned, leaning forwards to place a hand on the Anoulian's knee as comfort. Penelope smiled gratefully and put her book down beside her.

"Behave yourself." Graham scolded playfully.

"Never." Grace retorted, blowing him a kiss with a cheeky smile. She then turned to her daughter in-law, "So what are we doing for your twenty-sixth birthday then, Penelope? I've been looking forward to it all month."

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